A paid coffee with crypto HBD use cases of in blockchain Hive.

¡Hello friends of leofinance!

I had days without sharing with you a post, but today I wanted to tell you that every day that passes in the state of Sucre, specifically in the city of Cumana, we continue to advance in the process of crypto-adoption and in generating the growth of Hive adding value to the blockchain, but that yes not of any digital currency or crypto asset, but rather of our HBD the stable currency.


A couple of days ago, while we were working on taking advertising material to businesses, I had a moment of tranquility, so to speak, because after so much movement in terms of looking for material, visiting businesses, being all day on the street promoting the Hive blokchain and our cryptocurrency HBD, I took some time to have a coffee and have it paid with HBD, in seconds without commissions.






The truth is that while I was sitting there drinking this coffee paid with HBD, I was very happy for having captured this business with the @Hivesucre team, and I will tell you why I was like this.

This business consists of three stores, a cafeteria that has breakfast, desserts, coffee, juices, and also has a bodegón where they supply alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, candy, it is noteworthy that we are currently in talks for the pharmacy that is attached to this business to accept HBD and actually would be a strategic point for it, in regard to the purchase of medicines, so the user is named @invcumananorte.






Here I have made two transactions, and I can not complain about their prices, because the quality and the place where this business is located, is one of the best in the city of Cumana, because it is an area where economic activity is very good because it has a very good internet infrastructure which makes it easier to make payments in our HBD cryptocurrency.

I want to comment also, that this business did not accept even binance, and therefore the achievement is even bigger, because first they decided to accept our HBD cryptocurrency, but clearly then they created the binance account for them to make their exchanges. We as a first step is that they accept HBD, then comes the work of creating a kind of awareness where that HBD at some point in its learning cycle is also used in the hive blockchain, as well as we have already seen how between businesses are exchanging payments of raw materials for their acquisition, running what we call B2B, (business to business).





Actually what frames Hivesucre as a movement, project and community is something amazing, we are working since August 2022, and we have record in the Hive blockchain of it, in this post was the beginning of all this, even for those days we already talked about the importance of @leofinance in Hive, as well as threespeak, in if we already projected what we wanted to do in the city of Cumaná Sucre state, so we are the pioneers in our state something that makes us super proud.










It should be noted that we continue working so that other establishments whether suppliers or businesses continue to accept our HBD, and that this circulates in the blockchain without the need to leave, or that this is invested, but the reality is that each business has a different situation and different objectives, we do not force anyone to do anything, because these business allies are autonomous in their decisions, and what we have achieved by generating trust through our work is priceless, that is why each of these businesses accept our cryptocurrencies without overcharging, or put setbacks, as these transactions are free of commissions, in seconds and even more valuable, is that they show the world how to add value to a cryptocurrency and a blockchain that is growing which is HIVE, thus generating financial freedom.

All content found in this publication is largely original to the author, any questions and compilation of the same, should make mention of my person.

Text is original by: @edmundochauran.

All Rights Reserved / @edmundochauran.

Photographs taken from my Tecno Pova phone and edited in Canvas.

Photograph taken by myself.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Wow, this is great news. I am aware of many places accepting Bitcoin for payment, but this is a first for Hive. This is truly very positive. I hope more businesses will follow this example, but that will only happen if businesses like this can demonstrate success. We must support them where possible. Thanks for a great article.

In Cumana State of Sucre there are currently 46 businesses that accept HBD as a method of payment.

It is something incredible the work being done @hivesucre, I invite you to visit our community friend.

In many places they accept bitcoin as you say, but here they accept HBD and that makes it great for Hive, because this way we show something bigger.

We continue adding value to the blockchain, greetings from Venezuela.

This is great stuff man! We really need more projects like this around the world to show the true power of HBD and Hive!
Congratulations for making it happen! Oh, love the clothes by the way haha

A dream that has become a reality, this project is solid and as this use case shows, every day we are improving our work methods, we must continue learning.

HBD and HIVE came to stay and grow, the economy in sucre grows every day, through the crypto-adoption project with the @Hivesucre team and its community.

A big hug my friend.

@edmundochauran te felicito pir el trabajo que estas realuzando junto al equipo de hivesucre y el amigo Rey del Norte

Hivesucre es una realidad tangible en el mundo cripto, te doy las gracias por dejar este comentario en el post, seguiremos avanzando y agregando valor a la cadena de bloques, y claro que sí el rey del norte @jonsow1983 al igual que todo el equipo de trabajo y ustedes la comunidad la cual es solida debo agradecer, sin ustedes tampoco esto fuese una realidad mi amiga querida @mafalda2018.

Buenas amigo, excelente post, soy cubano, le presente #hive a un amigo mio, venezolano, excelente persona y con ganas de interactuar en su comunidad @spacecripto , saludos

Perfecto es bienvenido, saludos y sigamos creciendo.

That's great! Such a nice thing!

Thank you very much!

We continue working hard from @hivesucre.

Very interesting and admirable all the effort that you and your team are making to achieve greater acceptance of HBD and HIVE in Venezuela. I really congratulate you. Keep going!! You are showing great vision, leadership and hard work with everything you do. Because every merchant that accepts HBD at the national level is one more achievement for the HIVE blockchain in general. Greetings.

Your words give me great joy, I must thank you for them and always keep humility above all, this is a group success, leadership is carried in each of the members of the community, each one plays an important role.

We are doing this with the utmost professionalism, every job we do is like that, I send you a hug back dear.

HBD changing the world and Hive transforming lives in Venezuela, city of Cumaná, Sucre state.

Grande hermano. Un placer compartir contigo el campo de batalla. A seguir partiendola.

Siempre así será, desde la calle promocionando a Hive en cada rincón de la ciudad de cumana y el estado sucre.

Es un honor para mí compartir estás batallas a ti lado hermano de mi vida.

Very cool, the ability to buy medicine with HBD is pretty huge especially with the way expensive and potentially life-saving meds could be crowdfunded on hive.
Keep up the good work!

We do not have a pharmacy yet, but we are working in this pharmaceutical sector, in this same business which has three very good premises, there is a pharmacy, this pharmacy will soon accept HBD.

We have 46 businesses in Cumana, Sucre state that accept HBD and these offer different goods and services that the Hive user can pay with his HBD.

Thank you very much for your grateful comment.

Hello!!! This is just wonderful! Enjoying any product paying with our HBD's is definitely a dream come true!
I hope the pharmacy comes to fruition soon because it would be super beneficial for the Hivers in the area!
Keep up the success! Best regards 😊

The pharmacy will be very soon dear amia, we are working on it, you are one of the community users who have added value to the Hive blockchain, with your active participation in the whole ecosystem.

Thank you very much for your support and comment.


Love this! I bet coffee tastes different when paid with crypto, haha!

I'll be very honest, the coffee tasted like success and smelled of glory.

The truth is that all this is an achievement, and it is thanks to a solid community and a project that grows more and more every day.

Hive is global, and the work that everyone does from their own country is amazing.

A hug dear, I am flattered to read a comment of yours in my post.

Best regards....

I'll be very honest, the coffee tasted like success and smelled of glory.

I bet it does!

Cheers from Romania :)

This project has delighted everyone, especially us sucrense that have the benefit of canceling products with HBD, and each time they are growing for the strengthening of the stablecoin. I have been several times to this place and it's great, excellent coffee, atmosphere and attention. Now go and pay with my HBD is perfect. if you come the pharmacy is something essential for many like me always buy medicines, so I hope soon that successazo jejeje

Congratulations friend @edmundochauran count on my support

Thank you very much friend, you are always so active in the community, that is valuable.

We will always need your support, you are a fundamental part of this success.

Soon we will be with the pharmacies and general medicine, this service is indispensable.

Thank you very much I send you a hug.

Felicitaciones. Pronto tendré que darme una vuelta por las playas de Cumaná 😎

Gracias por tu comentario, perfecto las playas de las mejores...

The work done in the state of Sucre is incredible brother, I am proud of our great team and of you for being an extraordinary human being and the best co-worker that can exist. And as you rightly point out, the community of Hive Sucre since its inception in August last year has always left record of all events and activities in our state, the growth of our community has been exponiencia and that we can see digitally and also in the streets of the city of Cumana. We continue to meet in the streets brother.

As always you leave comments that leave anyone speechless, you have been my friend and sister, we are workers as well as the entire Hivesucre team.

The members of the community, everyone is important, and I must say that your quality as a human being is unquestionable.

We continue to see each other on the street, to work and nothing else.

Best regards.

Hace tiempopensar en que se adoptara la moneda era irreal, hoy es una realidad gracias al esfuerzo de @hivesucre. Los felicito por todo el esfuerzo que están haciendo. Un abrazo...

You just said something key, to think that we pay with HBD in establishments in Venezuela and especially in Cumaná state Sucre, was something unthinkable, they even called me crazy and that it was not possible that this happened, well here is the sample of this wonderful work.

And if we add value to the Hive blockchain.

Thank you very much for these wonderful words from you, thank you for being part of the change, a big hug @yeceniacarolina.


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Thank you for your support.

Crypto adoption with HBD in Sucre is the best thing that has happened, from the Hive Sucre team we continue demonstrating success stories and consuming with HBD.🔥⚡️

This has been an amazing thing, you are one of the people who add value to Hive with your work, as well as everyone who makes life in Hive.

It's amazing all this, crypto-adoption frames very big things for the Hive blockchain.

Sending you a hug my dear friend @lucianav.

HBD makes a difference!

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Cada vez que veo una publicación de este tipo, reitero mis felicitaciones por el trabajo realizado. Sé que han sido meses de transitar en la calle, de conversaciones profundas, de promoción de Hive y de dar impulso a nuestra criptomoneda. Los logros son evidentes y el reconocimiento lo demuestra. Sigamos materializando los casos de uso y los avances de la criptoadopción, cada victoria cuenta para consolidar nuevas metas. Éxitos, amigo.

Well done, I hope that the pharmacy is next 🙏

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My previous @v4vapp proposal has expired. I have a new one which is running but unfunded right now. I'm still running @v4vapp and all my other services.

I've just updated v4v.app and I'm getting ready for some exciting new features after the next hard fork.

Please consider asking your friends to vote for prop #265 or consider unvoting the return vote.

For understandable reasons in the current crypto climate it is harder to get funded by the DHF, I accept this so I'm asking a wider audience for help again. I'll also add that I power up Hive every day and usually power up larger amounts on 1st of the Month. I'm on Hive for ideological reasons much more than for only economic benefit.

Additionally you can also help with a vote for Brianoflondon's Witness using KeyChain or HiveSigner

If you have used v4v.app I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.