Financial Plans/Goals For Rest Of The Year & Next Year

in LeoFinance7 months ago
This is gonna be my last financial update for the year and starting next week I am going to try write about other stuff like AI, Play To Earn games, and just other things I am interested in!

Crypto Goals/Hive Goals

So starting with Hive I am currently stacking up as much dividend tokens I can like $DAB , $LGN , $DHEDGE , $ARCHON and so on and just keep compounding the divs I get from them, I am also delegating to the dhedge acc to get more $DVS and dhedge and to stickupcurator to get more LGN and I stake most of it but now and then sell parts of it to build up other tokens specially right now I am focusing on building more $LEO since I have gotten addicted to making threads on inleo lmao.
This is my current H-E holdings, and the current goal is to get to around 1.5k LEO next month, I will most likely buy most of it with Fiat but gonna try make as much as possible by other ways, For SIM I hope I can reach at least 500k by the end of the year and also get to 1k dhedge before then. The rest of the tokens I am just gonna let grow slowly and now and then buy a higher amount of a certain token./div>

As for Hive Power I am not really sure what my goal is I guess for now Ima just try to build it up without undelegating from the ones I do delegate to and with posts I am gonna stay with 50/50 on the rewards so I get HBD also cuz I want it specially now with the plans from @vaultec with 😉
**"Offline" Finance Goals**
Now this is something that is difficult for me but I think I have figured out a couple of ways to save up more and make more money offline. First thing is well I am going to see if I can get some job near me (online job not possible currently unless I get paid in crypto lol) anyway all I have had over the last couple of years is more like activities/ places that help you socialize and get ready for the job market and I truly know I am ready now. Meanwhile I am gonna see if I can idk dog sit for people, maybe sell some things I don't need and also next week when I have run out of the current Snus (Swedish Tobacco product) then I am gonna do my best to quit and not buy anymore!
So yeah those are my main plans/goals for now, anyway next post will most likely be about AI and my thoughts about it so keep an eye out for that post ;)
**Thanks @alohaed for letting me use the amazing divider!**

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


keep at it. I used to be a very small fish, and now I am a fat salmon. And I don’t recommend it but one way to quit is to have so much Tabasco that you feel absolutely awful and to keep doing that until you hate the idea of it hahahah

Well for me that is very little Tabasco since I cannot handle spicy stuff at all lmao, and yes! I ain't quitting til I can be free to travel around the world comfortably and do other stuff without having to worry of running out of money :D

Just gotta find a good active income for a while that I can use to turn into more passive income!

I meant tobacco Hahahhaa autocorrect is fantastic!!!

Where do you wanna go? And where are you from?

LMAO gotta love it huh? I am from Northern Sweden, and well I wanna go everywhere basically but mostly around Asia mainly South Korea, Vietnam, China, Japan, Thailand (again), Indonesia, Singapore, The Philippines, Tibet (up in the Himalayan mountains) and so many more places!

Let me know when you travel, maybe I will have some good recommendations for you

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