2023 Recap and 2024 Thoughts

in LeoFinance5 months ago

Well, the new year is here.

A much needed 'reset' on my part from what has been a pretty tough 2023 in many ways, but especially on a personal and financial level.

The closure of SEED basically came at the worst possible time, with me having to sell tens of thousands of assets to compensate everyone.

Maximum Pain

Not that I'm complaining, far from it, I simply decided to do so because it was the best procedure back at the time and decided to put my mental health ahead of hypothetical short-term gains. And even with that I know that +90% of the damage is self-inflicted.

Feelings of guilt, imposter syndrome, anxiety, have been some of my unwanted friends during the first half of 2023.

Some of them were appeased once most of the outstanding debts had been cleared.

Giving way to that feeling of emptiness you get when you lose something you really loved.

Followed by procrastination and a few sleepless nights here and there, disturbed circadian cycles, a bit of an eating disorder... nothing too serious, but far from feeling healthy.

The Comeback

Fortunately, and with some renewed energy which took from somewhere, things started to look a bit better from August 2023.

In just one month I launched Hive Power Ventures, which in terms of management and risk is much friendlier to me. The project is slowly building a base to build momentum later and overall I am more than happy with how it is going.

Less than 3 weeks later, I received a call that changed my life.

After waiting several months with no response, I finally received confirmation that I had been accepted into a government-funded training programme to learn Web Application Development.

Vacancies for these types of courses are highly sought after and fly at the drop of a hat, so I consider myself very lucky given that I was a little late in making my preliminary enrolment.

I now lead a double life.

In the mornings I'm just another student going to the training centre... I'm a bit of a nerd who likes to ask questions, learn and understand things in a multidisciplinary way.

The rest of the time I've never stopped being a hardcore altcoiner obsessed with disrupting the status quo and creating a better society for all with this magical tool that is Bitcoin, Hive and other DLTs.

Being forced into a routine (and sticking to it) quickly fixed most of my first world problems. It stopped me from overthinking, stabilised my sleep cycles for once and made me feel productive in a way I hadn't felt in a long time.

I can only feel genuinely grateful for that call and saying 'yes' (even if i was terrified inside).


And here I am.

I've gained a lot of kg in the last year and I'm far from my ideal weight and fitness (I've added more than 15 kg in the last year) and now I weigh around 110 kg when I should weigh around 90-95 considering I'm around 1,85m tall.

Going to the gym took a back seat once I started studying (as I wanted to devote 100% of my attention to my studies). And going to the gym regularly is one of the few things I did right in 2023.

So my New Year's resolutions are as follows:

  • To start working as an intern in a local technology company.

If things go as should I could have an opportunity to start working this summer as an scholar. I'll do my best for this.

  • Go to the gym x3 times a week. Losing 10-20 kg would be the goal but I understand that it would be the logical consequence of doing the first thing well.

I will also have to watch how I eat since I tend to eat poorly if I don't organize myself.

The Future

Over a long-enough timeframe (+1 year), I would like to settle down with a job in the tech sector and gain enough experience to eventually work on Hive related things. Get in a good shape and progress on all fronts (personal & business).

Fortunately I did things well enough the last bull run and I'm decently prepared for the upcoming one. I don't need a crazy multiplier or playing things very risky.

But well, I think I'm advancing events. Let's allow the things to play for themselves.

As always, building for the long-term wins.

Bye 2023! Grateful for what you taught me but surely I won't miss you.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Very good review @empoderat!

"Being forced into a routine (and sticking to it) quickly fixed most of my first world problems."

This is true for almost anyone. While we all can complain about it, in one way or another, I think consistent periods of unproductive time is not healthy. Said differently, we have to work. Whether we admit it or not. Once "back in the harnesses," I think the benefits speak for themselves.

Even now in retirement, I find that staying busy with productive and constructive activities is very important to my outlook on how my life is going. As I always said, before getting to this chapter of life, "I am NOT the golf by day and bridge by night type." And I have stuck to that ...

All the best to you for a productive and constructive 2024. We'll look forward to your report a year from now on how that goes! 🙂👍

@tipu curate

Happy New Year, my friend!

Good to ear from you that all the difficulties that you have passed trough in 2023 will be a good package to survive and grow in 2024!

Go to the gym x3 times a week. Losing 10-20 kg would be the goal but I understand that it would be the logical consequence of doing the first thing well.
I will also have to watch how I eat since I tend to eat poorly if I don't organize myself.

IMHO as you start to eat "better" in time, and to sleep better, the gym only would be a supporter... The best practice for having a stable weight is nutrition and sleep. Trust me on this, my friend :)

Good luck for your journey, my friend!

Gracias amigo,

Y si, estoy de acuerdo que una alimentación adecuada y sueño ya cumplen con alrededor del 70% de tus necesidades para una vida 'sana' para muchos estándares.

Thanks again my friend

Hit the gym, man. To me, it was life-changing. Other than that I wanna wish you a great 2024 and good luck with your professional plans!

Thanks Adrian, and yes, it will be probably what i need the most to release unused energy :)

Happy 2024 also for u!

I can certainly relate when it comes to feeling irrational anxieties and just... off really since the covid shutdowns. I just haven't got back to normal...

I also had some struggles but like you said, routine and for me exercise have been huge helps, so definitely integrate the gym into your new years goals. Smash your body and your mind won't have a chance to devour itself!

Anyway, all the best mate, here's to both of us having a great 2024! :)

Thanks for the tips man, truly appreciated. Best wishes for you too

Feelings of guilt, imposter syndrome, anxiety, have been some of my unwanted friends during the first half of 2023

Gay. You should have just rugged properly like a man. Pussy

No but yes xd

Feelings of guilt, imposter syndrome, anxiety, have been some of my unwanted friends

Wow, I know this feeling all too well. I have struggled with it for most of my life. One of my goals for 2024 is to try to lean into these feelings and give them space, without believing the stories my mind tells me. I guess this is sort of like 'shadow work'.

I weigh around 110 kg when I should weigh around 90-95 considering I'm around 1,85m tall.

Haha, another thing we have in common. Just about the same height and weight. One day when I was a teenager I was sitting around with my cousin and we were complaining about something or other. I turned around and said to him "Well, at least we'll never be fat." Gotta love life! So this is my other huge goal for 2024. Get in shape!!

In a way it is comforting to know that you are not the only one suffering from this type of problem, often so misunderstood by society. Thank you very much for your words

No pain, no gain! Sometimes we have to take a few steps back and that's what propells us forward, and you seem to be on the perfect mindset for growth. Sleep and exercise will help in everything else, I would put them on mist priority list! Here's to a 2024 full of sucess, and hopefully another meetup! Grande abraço! !BEER

Muchas gracias amigo, con un poco de suerte, este 2024 nos veremos en algún momento. Un abrazo!

we share a similar goal! let's lose those kg together :P

Would be funny, I even thought about start posting again on actifit

haha let's hope that the end of 2024 would come with us -10 kg at least :p

Bon any company i cuida't!

Gràcies senyor i bon any!

Wish you the best mate. 2024 is the year to achieve your goal from what it seems !

Setting realistic objectives is the first step thought, sometimes keeping yourself busy with small but attainable objectives helps with a bigger one. or at least is how I feel it :)

Thanks for your words mr chicken

So many ups and down this year but we are grateful to God how he brought us. This is 2024 the greater year

Due to one issue or the other, I wasn't able to achieve my goals last year but this year will be better

I'm glad you are in a good place now :) What do you plan to build on Hive???

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

bulking all day :D

Happy new year bulla!

I missed this post!
Great goals for this 2024! It will be fun around here! 😉