Little PWR Transparency Update Regarding Initial Liquidity

in LeoFinance7 months ago

According to PWR roadmap:

''The initial supply will consist of a (yet undetermined) number (between 1000 and 5000) of tokens paired with Hive at a 1:1 ratio that will serve as the initial liquidity in the pool.''

In the end, this supply consisted of 5000 PWR tokens, which I matched with the same amount of Hive.

This initial supply has remained in the project account, @vventures , since the project started.

The thing is that I noticed a small nuance that was not clear in the original post. And that is that this 5000 Hive from my side is NOT a donation to the project.

What does this mean? For practical purposes and in a nutshell, that I would like to get them back at some point.

Maybe you wonder: ''Why you're bringing this up now?'', and this is because I'm thinking about starting to use the Hive curation rewards coming from @empo.voter to add liquidity/ reinforce the peg soon**.

(****) The ratios not set in stone, but something like 20/80 would be Ok to start. (20% liquidity / 80% power up).

And if the project account starts adding liquidity now, it will not be clear which was the initial one and which was added later.

Solution is clear:

Obviously, take out all this liquidity and pool it from another account to keep all the accounts with fresh accountability. Exactly what has been already done.

I've used another account of mine which was originally intended as the ' holding account' (@empo).

Liquidity will remain there untouched at least for the first 12 months of operation (~10 months still). After that I'll be free to take out that Hive.

Regarding the PWR which will be there I'll do one (or more) of the following:

  • Sent it to @vventures and pair it with HIVE tokens from the project.
  • Use it to cover a few months of new PWR emissions.

And that's it. Thanks for your attention.


  • Initial pool liquidity is changing it's holding acc (from @vventures to @empo).
  • Buybacks should start soon.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Thank you for the clarity and transparency on this. Always appreciated when projects do that.


It's great to be able to clearly track the progress of the project. I recently got to know it, and I'm going to start studying it!

Perfection 😍

PWR to the moon!!!!!!

If there's any open space for a partnership, I am ready to support the project!!!!

Rug wen? Post unclear