PWR LP Update: Topped up the pool, APR at +25% for LP's.

in LeoFinance5 months ago (edited)

At ~12% APR the HIVE-PWR pool needed some love, and after running some numbers, I've decided to add a chunk of PWR for Liquidity Providers.

This PWR comes from added inflation, but the numbers are ''negligible'' in absolute terms.

  • At 270K Hive Power delegated to @empo.voter, ~118 PWR tokens are being issued daily to Hive delegators.

  • After topping up 2K PWR to the SWAP.HIVE - PWR pool, ~17 PWR are issued daily to LP's, which represents a ~22% of the daily emission. And even after that, the ~68% of the pool is controlled by 2 project accounts.

  • @empo is the ''Initial Liquidity'' account which provided 5000 HIVE and 5000 PWR on the first day and will keep doing so for the next ~9 months. This account is accumulating LP rewards which will be distributed later as stated in a previous post.

  • @vventures is the 'main' account of the project from where the buybacks are being done. And the purpose of this LP is to only grow (ideally should be the 'main' LP over time).


Ideally this decision tilts some delegators and more people take the chance to pool some HIVE and PWR into the pool. Clearly at 12% (previous APR). wasn't atractive enough. This hopefully will go up in some time as price of PWR stabilizes again around peg.

Have a good resting Sunday!

100% of rewards allocated to @vventures

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I'll add another 500 hp today, cause why not. When rich?

Wen hive 10 then all rich

So never. Good to know!

Nahhh, sooner than that, but over time we will get there. I'm optimistic with hive


Estoy haciendo un ciclo de entrevistas con los testigos hispanohablantes y quería saber si podrías concederme tiempo para una.

De ser positivo, me gustaría agendarla para la semana que viene (ésta semana estoy full)...solo dime las horas o días disponibles para vos.

Muchas gracias de antemano por vuestra atención.


Te he enviado mensaje por discord, hablamos! :)

Cool, thanks for the update!

I’d love to make a delegation someday when I have so much Hive power
Just watch out for me, lol

Thank you so much for this update

Hoping that someday, I can also make some delegation