If there was retirement in hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Hello everyone, I was thinking about what to write on the hive this evening, and suddenly this topic came to mind. Imagine if hive blockchain had a retirement plan and benefits.

Hive unlike other jobs has a working year's limit as well as age limits, which when gotten to the level, you are meant to retire and be placed on pension payroll. In the hive, we enjoy the benefits in full the till the end of our days on earth. What good news.

My father retired from work at the age of 65, his salary dropped and the money received as a pension is nothing to write home about. Imagine if the hive was structured with retirement, lots of hives would have crashed out of this beautiful platform. Thanks to the brain behind this.

Contrary to other jobs, where pension dwindles hive's return on investment increases, and the longer you stay at it the more reward you get. The government may fail to pay you but @hive never does.

We all are abreast with what retired people faced in life, challenges like the inability to access proper health care due to the cost, the inability to save, and being indebted. This would and many more would have befallen hivers.


Enjoy hive to the fullest for there's no retirement, either on age or work years.

Thanks for stopping by.


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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @fernandoylet, @gentleshaid ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

The major impediment to people taking the best out of Hive is ignorance. There are a lot of less risky investment that even the elderly can engage on Hive. HBD savings is one of such with 20% APY.

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