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RE: Introducing the New LeoAds Mechanic | LEO POWER Balances Will Begin Growing with Built-In APY From LeoFinance Ad Revenue

in LeoFinance2 years ago

This is genius! One more reason to bring outside traffic to Leo Finance. Help yourself and all the other LEO holders by doing it. You guys just incentivized my SEO efforts. Thank you so much for this :')

Great one @jk6276. Brilliant stuff.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


1000%. You're killing it in this department. We need to educate more of the LeoFinance Core Userbase about the tactics you're using to create your supercharged SEO-friendly content.

If you do a series on this or have any ideas on how to spread it, let Khal know on Discord. I think we really need to kickstart a campaign to get more authors creating content the way that you are creating content

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you so much. I am honoured! I have a few crazy ideas in my mind, all thanks to @behiver. I will reach out to Khal very soon ™️

Sooner than you anticipate. 🙈

Let's bring back the SEO culture on Leo Finance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta