in LeoFinance8 months ago

Get ready.



Every Saturday I send tokens to people that own BBH. Here is the break down.

If you own 10 or more BBH up to 4,999 you get dripped Hive(swap.hive).

If you own 5,000 or more BBH up to 9,999 you get dripped swap.hive and Alive Tokens and CTP tokens.

If you own 10,000 or more BBH you get dripped swap.hive, Alive, CTP and $LEO tokens.

All just for owning BBH.

You can get BBH two ways, you can buy it of TribalDex or you can have it tipped to you.

Or someone can be nice enough to gift it to you.


Here is the tipping part:

In a 24 hour period, reset at new day UTC. There are currently four levels of tipping.

Level 1 = 1000 BBH holdings = 1 tip per day you can send
Level 2 = 5000 BBH holdings = 5 tip per day you can send
Level 3 = 20000 BBH holdings = 20 tip per day you can send
Level 4 = 50000 BBH holdings = 50 tip per day you can send

You don't have to stake, just OWN. The tip does not come from your holdings but from BBH itself.

As BBH grows, so will the rewards.

I believe it does not get any simplier than that.


I have to start paying more attention to the community account for BBH. As there are people using the BBH tag so their posts show up there. I am going to put in some effort, make that part of my daily routine. Start upvoting.

Although the BBH community page does not have a token or miner (yet) it is still a community page. But I do want to get the @hive-112281 account to a certain level before I go down that road.

I want to appoliize to people for not paying more attention to posts into the community. If you ever need my attenting just take me, @bradleyarrow.


One of the things I do is run a Hive-engine witness node. And why would I do this? It is part of building BBH. You see, you earn BEE tokens for running a node and you need BEE tokens for creating new tokens, miners, making tokens stakable, etc.

So when I first started the BBH project, as I stated above, the dream, beside a tipping and income token, is to have it a full fledged community. It can take upto 10,000 BEE to get everything funtionalbe.

This account funds the monthly cost of the node. But to make good amount of BEE daily you need to be in the top 20 nodes. I am at 29 now I believe. Screen shot below. So I am always looking for support.

You can go to Primersion to show your support. For your support to help boost my ranking you do need to own and stake WORKERBEE tokens. Just letting you know.


BBH and I are Alive and Thriving


May the tip and drips and positivity be with you

There are 3 pages

I'm just learning about BBH token but I've heard so much about alive as I do use the tag on my posts to earn some.

Since you plan to get active with the posts that submitted to the community, I guess content creators will be able some BBH tips from there aside waiting to be gifted or buying from Tribaldex.

I'd like to buy and own some so I could tip also, you didn't state the current price of the token but I'll check it out. It's an amazing project and I love to be part of it even in the most little way.

I'm just finding out the BEE token have such good roles like running nodes, I like that you know what would get everything set for BBH to be a full pledge community. I would give my vote but I have no WORKERBEE staked at the moment, would be awesome to see you get to top 20 and get going with your plans as you earn more BEE.

Maybe a reminder like this should be made after sometime, I'll try to vote when I have some staked. For now, I'll check out the community and be part of it. You're having an amazing project here, keep at it!

Thanks for the amazing engagement 😀

It's an honour 🙂

I did some edit to my comment should in case you'd like to check it out again for some point 🙂

I hear there is a BBC token going around but all I am seeing is a guy called Barry with his lad hanging out. untitled.gif

Hello dear @bradleyarrow I just found out about H-E Primersion and saw my votes already expired... So Thank you
Also Check the Token price chart and it's stable and buyBacked well these recent months.. Yes It's happening . Congrats to all

Hello dear @bradleyarrow I just found out about H-E Primersion and saw my votes already expired... So Thank you . I encourage my wife also to vote for you and encourage anyone else on hive to use the voting ability and research about node operators to find the best ones who has better projects . Hive is all about community. we grow faster together and spreading our Knowledge broader. Reaching 10000 Bee token for tokenizing BBH community is sooner than we think by focusing on these aspects you mentioned to being in top 20 witness nodes.
Also Check the Token price chart and it's stable and buyBacked well these recent months.. Yes It's happening . Congrats to all. I will defensively buy more for having more tip to give and spreading it

You are welcome 😊

And thank you 😊

I joined and will use BBH to tip french community too now.


Principauté du Bastion (@hive-143869 Community)
Sélection Manuelle


@hive-112281! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @itharagaian. (1/5)

That is fracking awesome. Thank you 😊

C'est génial, la fracturation hydraulique. Merci 😊

BBH is not a new to me. Infact I got to know about it through @bradleyarrow and currently l I have 10,400+ tokens earned from tippings and completing some tasks by watching @bradleyarrow videos.

I am well informed that BBH is not only a tipping bot but also an income token and that's why it gives drips to everyone holding BBB tokens every Saturday like alive, ctp, Leo tokens and Swap.hive. I have already gotten my drip for the day.

And by virtue of the number of tokens I hold, I am liable to tip up to 5 #bbh tokens every day and this I've been doing.

As more people are getting aware of the BBH community through this zealy quest initiative, it's important that you pay more attention to the community for I believe more people will like to get involved and probably buy the tokens and good a thing it can be gotten from tribaldex

Running a Hive engine witness node is a great way of getting BEE tokens to service the community and with this publication I'm hopeful more people will vote so you can be at the top 20

Good Luck


@hive-112281! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @luchyl. (1/5)

Thanks so much for the awesome engagement 😀

It was a pleasure to do so.



@luchyl! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (10/50)

About a week ago I received BBH from @bradleyarrow, I was tipped. I didnt even know what that was all I knew was i have BBH, I am a newbie and still leaning a lot about the blockchain. After reading This post I have gotten more clarification on what BBH is all about. just what I needed. I didn't even know there was a community for BBH but since you plan on paying more attention to the community, I guess I'll be using the tag soon.
Also Surpassing 20 nodes is actually impressive, and I see you are determined to earn more BEE tokens on daily basis in order to support the project.

tipping don't come from your holdings but BBH itself sounds nice to me and also not needing to stake but just own is a plus.. the benefits of owning BBH is clear to me now
Looking forward to see this project blossom
keep the fire burning

thanks for the mention 😀


@khadijaaya! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (12/50)

Thanks for the tip 🙂

You welcome 🤗

Awesome. Now you know why I did this Zealy campaign. Enlightening people

Wow, I just got to know about the BBH tokens today, I never knew @bradleyarrow was the founder of it, now I know why I used to receive a lot of tips from, you. Oh, is it only Tribaldex we can get BBH from? Can it purchased from Hive engine?

I love the tipping system indeed, it's really fair enough per the standards and requirements. It's good to hear you are growing your community account too, I would try to pass by since I know much about the community. I wish to support your witness but don't have the requirements. Maybe in a bit when I am qualified, I will do so.

Now you 😀 you should be able to get frome hive-engine. As they run TribalDex I think.

Thanks for stopping by

that I am 😀


@abu78! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (9/50)

I'm genuinely excited about the BBH project for various reasons, and I'd love to own BBH tokens. The concept of BBH is not just intriguing but also incredibly rewarding, making it an ideal choice for anyone in the crypto space.

The distribution of rewards based on BBH ownership is a brilliant idea. It encourages token holders to participate actively in the project, offering a clear path to increased benefits. Whether it's earning Hive, Alive Tokens, CTP tokens, or even $LEO, it's an attractive proposition for individuals at different levels of involvement. This kind of inclusivity is what makes BBH stand out.

The tipping mechanism is another unique feature. It's a fantastic way to promote engagement and community-building. Regardless of your holdings, there's an opportunity to give and receive tips, creating a dynamic and interactive ecosystem. BBH's commitment to community-building is evident, and I'm eager to be a part of this growing network.

I'm also looking forward to seeing the @hive-112281 account grow, as it will undoubtedly contribute to the overall strength and appeal of the BBH project.

BBH has all the elements that I appreciate in a crypto project – transparency, a rewarding structure, and a commitment to community and ecosystem growth. I'm eager to own BBH tokens and become a part of this thriving community.

Wow. Can I use a lot of this comment in my next post?

That was spot on. Elegant.

You most definitely can😄

Your commitment to improving support for the community and those who employ the BBH tag is truly commendable. This initiative plays a pivotal role in fostering the growth of our community.

This openness will go a long way because people will have to see the genuiness and also pour out their heart. It's disheartening to note that some community members have fallen short when it comes to engaging with their audience, a fundamental aspect of a thriving community. Interaction and feedback from owners are essential for showing appreciation to authors who contribute to their community.

Your decision to amplify support for users, particularly those utilizing the BBH tag, is a significant stride towards nurturing the development of our community. I've personally experienced the benefits of this initiative as I've received tips in BBH and currently hold 18 BBH tokens, a Hive Engine token. This has piqued my curiosity, and I'm eager to delve into BBH's mission and understand how it rewards token holders with Hive-dripped, ALIVE, and CTP tokens based on their BBH holdings. The tipping feature is a fantastic motivator, inspiring me to acquire more BBH tokens to acknowledge and support high-quality content creators. This initiative is a powerful catalyst for community growth and engagement.

Thank you for this and I wish the community a super growth!

Thank you for the awesome reply. I am touched 😀

It's great to see your dedication to the BBH community and the various incentives you provide for BBH holders. Building a thriving community and running a Hive-engine witness node can certainly help promote the growth of BBH and its associated tokens. Keep up the good work, and your efforts to engage with the community will likely yield positive results over time.

Thank you 😊

First time really getting to know more of the BBH token unlike the alive and thriving which I've heard of a thousand times. But then I just remembered that I once saw a BBH post by @bradlearrow promising tokens to those who'll kinda link their post to the BBH token, subconscious mind of mine. Well, what's the current price of BBH token? I would want to know since I haven't accumulated any to earn the BBH tips. So I guess, I'll buy from Tribaldex

And since you've promised to visit and curate contents regularly, I guess a lot of posts would be dropping. This is a great project and nobody would want to miss out.

And about the 20 witness nodes so far, that's pretty cool and I'm sure the more it grows, the more it stands tall to help promote the growth of BBH and its associated tokens

Thanks so much. Today's release price is 0.00104 Hive I think.

I have received several tips from BBH holders but never knew BBH is even a project on its own. I could even remember the day I tried tipping !BBH thinking it's just something I can do freely, hahaha, I received a message telling me that the tipping is not meant for me lolz.

But, from this well detailed post, I have now clearly understand what the project is all about. In that case, I will try to have at least 5000 BBH.

There is something you mentioned that caught my fancy. Yes, you said that you now want to pay attention to those writing in your community so as to upvote them. That's impressive.

Since I don't have workerbee tokens, it means I can't support you, therefore, Am Wishing you the best in this project.

@marajah, sorry! You need more $BBH to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 1000.0 BBH balance.

More $BBH is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

Thanks so much 🙏

I have seen people using tipping BBH but have never really paid much attention to it. But this is a clear article about what this token is all about. I will buy some BBH right away so that I can be able to tip. Lets see I can buy up to 5000 BBH so as to be able to tip 5 dialy.

I would be sure to support your witness node and help you get up to the top 20 level. Keep up the hard work. Lets tip BBH more!!!!

Welcome to the tip world.

This is great.
I would like to know if you have plans for the BBH token to have other use cases to make it a little more attractive to be interested in having these tokens. I don't deny that it is interesting that you can earn swap.hive, alive or ctp. I think it is quite positive, but it would also be great to increase my BBH token holdings little by little. On the other hand many congratulations for staying alive with BBH, coincidentally I went to check Tribaldex to consult the value and acquire some tokens and I noticed that I have 7 $BBH How did it happen? I do not know .... I only know that I have already gone to put a small order to increase and distribute BBH also by the chain.le by little.

Thanks. Ideas noted. Someone tipped them to you 😀

I do have some BBH, I was even surprised the first time I got it but then I don’t understand what it meant. Well, this is a great move by the community

I also believe that if more attentions is focused on the community it will help people understand more about it.

But I have some few questions.

If one own 1000 BBH, they can send a tip of BBH to any user and it won’t be taken out of the BBH they own. If that’s right then it’s a good move.

Also do we get the BBH token if we use the BBH tag and alive tag or they are of both different token.

Correct. Tipping comes from a pool. Not from your BBH.

They are different tokens. @flaxz owns Alive

I will be using the BBH tag very well now and I can’t find the community

Your Saturday initiative of gifting people BBH is a great move. The community tagging is a way of creating awareness about the communitinies. And because each post with those tag comes with a reward, most people are inclined to make more threads in those communities using the tag. That way, the dream of getting the @hive-112281 to a great level will be possible.

Thanks for the awesome reply 😀

Looks pretty solid to me. I'd like to hodl some of it, not just to earn—which is obvious—but to support the token and help it grow somehow, thereby benefitting myself and everyone else in the long run. I'll need to go check how much 50000 BBH would cost first, to know if I stand the chance to earn big. I wonder, though, what BBH means. Is it an acronym for something?

I had always wondered about the BEE token and how it worked. I never would have thought that it had anything to do with creating new tokens, miners, and making tokens stakable. That's pretty radical, and even more so how invested you are in Hive-engine and making it run by building BBH. Surely, having people become part of the community would go a long way to support you and the project.

I can understand that building and taking care of the community alongside all that you do can be very challenging. I hope you find balance. Thank you for letting tag you when we need anything.

Thanks so much 🙏

Ok, now I have 10001 BBH, so I understand that I will be getting swap.hive, Alive, CTP and LEO tokens every Saturday... not bad really. I will wait for that day to see how it works and consider whether I buy more or keep my current position.

The purchase on Tribaldex was pretty straightforward actually, I just deposited HIVE and bought one of the existing deals... not many people selling but there is someone with a large amount on offer.

I posted the purchase on an INLEO thread and was rewarded with a BBH, I checked my wallet and there it was, so I understand the deposit is immediate, no waiting 7 days for it to be credited. It's a tip, not a vote.

Speaking of tips, with 10000 BBH that I keep I can give 5 tips a day, that does not come out my pocket but from the token pool, so I will start handing out 5 tips a day using the designated command.

Depending on your acceptance I can consider reaching 20000 BBH tokens to give 20 tips daily. Sounds cool to me.

About the Hive-Engine Node, you already have my support, but I'm sorry to say that it doesn't make a difference because I don't have WORKERBEE tokens. I checked their price and actually I am not in a position (economically speaking) to buy them, in fact I am surprised to see that they have a very high price, they cost even more than HIVE.

But you can be sure that I will buy some when I investigate more about it and the possibilities it brings me. As you already have my vote, when I buy, the effect will be immediate.

You are awesome. I appreciate your support and your understanding of how BBH works.

Thanks 😀

Well for starters I've come across the tipping of BBH under peoples comment section a few times but I've never bothered to check it out.

I know Brad from threads, I think he's a great guy and well I'd love to get some BBH to support his project. There is nothing that I love more than getting sent tokens for holding a certain token so am definitely in but I'd have to buy slowly.

I have some worker bee staked as well so I'd be willing to give you my support to boost your witness node position.

If you own 10 or more BBH up to 4,999

So let's say I own this, how much hive will I get on a Saturday? And would you mind explaining for the others as well?

And I also think building the community account to have loads of HP will actually motivate people to buy BBH. We all love getting upvotes for the tokens we have staked so why not.

Thank you 😊

As of right now, yesterday, the share of swap.hive, Alive, CTP and Leo may still seem small. I cannot tell you how much you will get as it depends on how much is in circulation. But if you check @bradleyarrow post from yesterday I couple people put up screen shots of what they received.

Yesterday I sent 5 swap.hive, 20 Leo, 100 Alive and 100 CTP.

I bbh grows, and they income grows, so will the weekly payout.

Make sense?

Oh ok that’s makes sense. Thank you.

After reading this post, my first realization is that I need to give the witness vote to @bradleyarrow first. So I'm starting my opinion by voting for him first.

I have known @bradleyarrow for several days through InLeo. But I didn't know much about $BBH token until now. After reading the entire post I got a complete idea about $BBH Token.

From what I understand from reading the entire post, by holding $BBH it is possible to benefit not only our portfolio but also the HIVE ecosystem. Also, by holding a certain number of $BBH, we can give tips on other users' posts, which I really like.

Right now I am planning to purchase an exact quantity of $BBH so that I can give tips to others. Moreover, it would be great if you could contribute to the progress of the hive ecosystem through this.

You are awesome 👌

Thabk you so much 😀

@bradleyarrow I remember you mentioned your hive-engine node sometime ago on thread and I voted (I hope that helps in some way). I might also have to invest in some WORKERBEE TOKENS as well.

I have about 16 BBH tipped to me (courtesy of your tips), and I don't mind more 🙃.

I am quite busy with a lot of other things on-chain, but you can count on my support. I am willing to support the community in my little way.

You are fracking awesome 👌

Nice, I've been across the name BBH a couple not times on the blockchain but never had a vivid idea of it's foundation and how the ecosystem works as this is my first time knowing quite a thing about it.
I got tipped this token by someone but can't remember if it was you or some other BBH holders, i was tipped on my Leo thread but never knew what it was until now. Cool.
I got a few questions but firstly how do we earn the workerbee as a non node operator? I mean in regards to this statement you made

For your support to help boost my ranking you do need to own and stake WORKERBEE tokens. Just letting you know

So how do I get the workerbee? Do I buy? From dex? Cause I'm not sure i own any of those and I would like to in other to support you like you said.

Okay now i understand fully how the BBH token works and the tipping aspect of it is very interesting how we don't get tipped from our own wallets but from the BBH pool. Impressive.
I really do hope this ecosystem gets to a greater height and I'll have to start using the BBH tags from now on hopefully I'll acquire some more tokens in time. And of cause I'll check out the tribaldex market to see how much the token is worth, i should have at least 5k BBH token staked to support the ecosystem. Great job.

Thanks so much 🙏

As for workerbee, you have to buy them off the market, hive-engine or tribaldex. Then you to stake them .

Alright, i thought there would be a passive earning anyways 😅❤️ thanks


Even though the BBH is not new to me, it's only after reading this post that I have learned more about the project. The idea is clear and laudable, I think it's time to start claiming my BBH.

With regards to the mention of 'Alive' in the post, I would love to know if in anyway the ALIVE token is related to BBH. I have been tipped with both tokens but I thought they were different projects altogether.

I have to start paying more attention to the community account for BBH

This is a great idea, one thing I have observed is that, the growth of any project correspond to the activeness of the community. I count on you to implement this.

The two tokens and community are not related. But @flaxz and I are are good friends. 👍


@hive-112281! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ flaxz. (16/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

This is not first time reading about the BBH token, have once learnt about the tipping routine and also about the level of rewards attached to the token, especially for holders.

I also agree with you, that the token need lot of support to actually gain enough attention just like every other token in the blockchain, your availability too will help, especially when it comes to curating content that has BBH tag.

I also need to check my hive Wallet too, seems have not be taking note of the hive rewards that comes with holding the BBH every Saturday, cause I have more than 10 of that token in my hive Wallet.

I will also be heading to primersion to show you some support and I hope other users get to do same to actually push you up.

Growing the @hive-112281 account is vital, that will definitely help you to boast the community page and it token by curating content that has BBH tag in them.

The tipping ideology is awesome, that's is a perfect means of growing the token, just as some other community that engage in tipping too, doing this is a perfect means of promoting the token on hive and I think holders need's to start doing that more often.

Good to know that it can be gotten on TribalDex too, I think that's makes it more easier, I will be heading there to pick some up too.

You are awesome. Thanks so much 🙏

I have to admit that I have seen the BBH token tip before. Though it has been a very long time since I was tipped with it, and I wasn't that curious to check it out, then.

But, seeing how you've clearly explained the usage of the token, I would love to buy them and even tip to get more word about the token out. Though I don't know the price of the market value now, I'll wait for your reply or ask around how to get the BBH token.

I hope to see more usage of tokens very soon. Thanks for sharing the piece.

I do have some bee token, which I have gotten using the hive-engine tag on post. And I am glad you know the need for Bee tokens, though I never knew the token could create new tokens.

I do hope you get to the top 20 nodes to make a good amount of Bee daily. I'll send in my vote.

Thank you 😊

The future is bright 🌞

You are welcome 😊. It sure is.

my aim is to have more than 5000 BBH or more so that I can give more tips as an appreciation for good content and engagement. This is one of wonderful projects on Hive that one can use to show appreciation and interaction. It's a tokenized form of engagements and interaction. Currently, I have over 300 BBH which I got from creation of post on Alive tribe and bought from tribaldex.

In it's community which is very interactive and wonderful platform where contents of different types are appreciated and cherished interacted freely. Keep up the good work, Bradley

Thank you so much 😀

my aim is to have more than 5000 BBH or more so that I can give more tips as an appreciation for good content and engagement. This is one of wonderful projects on Hive that one can use to show appreciation and interaction. It's a tokenized form of engagements and interaction. Currently, I have over 300 BBH which I got from creation of post on Alive tribe and bought from tribaldex which have empowered me to give out 5 #BBH tips daily.

Also,BBH relationship with BEE token have such good roles like running nodes and currently there's over 20 witness nodes. Help to know that everyone can participate fully on BBH community to create content and interaction. Although I don't have enough WORKERBEE to be staked, but it's awesome to have plans of earning more BEE.

In it's community which is very interactive and wonderful platform where contents of different types are appreciated and cherished interacted freely. Keep up the good work, Bradley

Thanks for this wonderful reply 😀

ThIs is not my first time hearing about BBH. I know it as a tipping token. @bradleyarrow always promote it. I have seen one his post in Leofinance talking about BbH. He at one time set a price that anyone who writes about BBH will receive some good amount of the token as a reward.

I never knew that one has to hold such amount of BBH before he or she can tip.

More people are coming to know about BBH. I need to claim a lot BBH now. Because the more people buys it the more the price goes high
. Holding it now will benefit me a lot in the future.

I only know BBH as a tipping token. Just found out that it also have other good roles like running nodes, and surprisedly have already passed 20 nodes.
Many in the hive platform need to show the BBH project some support inorder to help it become a full community.

Sadly, I have no WORKERBEE staked at the moment but I will try to get and stake.
BBH is such a good project and I just wish it success.

Thanks so much 🙏

So, I did not hat BBH on my radar. But a short view into my wallet showed that I'm the happy owner of already 8BBH.

After reading the benefits for just holding some more BBH I went to get 5000 more. Now I can tip 5 times a day some BBH to other people.

Seems it works similar to my own beer token where you need to have a box of beer, means 24 staked to be able to tip someone with a beer

With BBH you don't need to stake that token and I guess with the upcoming demand of the token we might even earn a bit more.

I don't understand the tipping yet. Do I have to do anything or just wait and relax?

I guess the BBH team will make this more clear.

Just an beery idea

We maybe can collaborate in some way together with BBH and BEER. Let's see if there is room for cool projects or activities

Just use the !BBH command. 😉

I like the idea of collaboration.

@hive-112281, sorry! You need more $BBH to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 1000.0 BBH balance.

More $BBH is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

I have to confess that although you and others have been tipping me with BBH, I wasn't really aware of how it works or how many were needed for one to be able to use the tipping command. I was also unaware that you have a community page for BBH. I am sure as more people learn about it, the community will grow and thrive.

The tipping mechanism works similarly with other HE tipping tokens where a certain number of the tokens is required before one can summon the bot to give out tips. Thanks for your post for introducing BBH to us and giving more information about it.

Thank you as well for letting us know how to run or start a Hive-Engine witness node. I do not own nor have staked WORKERBEE at the moment though so I'm unable to support you for now.

Many thanks and all the best!

I am happy you are enlightened 😀

Still with it and keep reading posts.

Thank you, I surely will. Joining the community page too :)

The future is bright the future is BBH

Actually, I already know something about BBH

This is my bag, so yes I have 10k and of course I love receiving my drips on a Saturday, but for the life of me I can't remember where to see it or I would screenshot them here!.

I will however show what I did just do...

Anything to help gain more BEE to help BBH become an Alive and thriving community now that would be cool!

Thanks for what you do Bradley, you and !BBH are appreciated!

And to show that yes I do read long form posts when I read them ...

If you ever need my attenting just take me, @bradleyarrow.6

I might tag you, but I won't take you!

@hive-112281! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @tengolotodo.leo. (1/5)

Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha 🤣 😂

I hate spell check on mobile.

lol yes if the word is correct then it changes nothing haha

I must say that knowledge is power. Although I've known about Alive tags, I do not know much about BBH.

I must be missing a lot, honestly, because obviously there are lots of benefits to holding the BBH token, as it was said in this post. As I was reading this post, I now need to go to tribaldex immediately to check about the token and know its price.

It's so shocking that 10,000 BBH is not even up to 10 Hive, which means holding like 30,000 BBH tokens will attract more benefits.

Also it will be nice to see BBH community grows as fast as it can because the more it grows the more we all see its benefits so i hope the community become full fledged.

I never knew that BEE tokens is also powerful to the extend that you will need BEE tokens to create new tokens. So to make a good amount of BEE you must be in top 20 nodes, supporting you to reach the top will never be our problem.

I personally will love to buy, so I can benefit a lot from the tipping and so on.
Thanks for this beautiful update; I really appreciate it.

You are so welcome 🙏

And thabk you 😀

Welcome 🙏

I recently got #BBH Token, I did not have much knowledge about this project, but little by little I have been reading information about it.

It seems to me very positive to give incentives from the pool every week, and the levels of the tips is very good, so you create an environment that you have to invest to be able to have benefits of the token.

I think it still needs to get more support and to be able to advance more than 29, and in my opinion I think it lacks some more utility to the token to make it more sustainable over time.

Thank you 😊

BBH sounds like an interesting project. I appreciate your detailed explanation about the benefits of owning BBH tokens and how it ties into tipping and supporting the community. It is great to see how you are actively involved in running a Hive-Engine witness node as well. Your dedication to building and expanding BBH is commendable. Thanks for sharing this information.

I would like to claim my BBH tokens because they offer a unique opportunity to participate in a thriving community, benefit from tipping, and potentially receive rewards, all while supporting a project that aligns with my interests and goals.

Thanks so much 🙏

You are welcome

I have heard so much about BBH tokens, and am just reading about the token more now and i have some like up to 16 BBH, I thought initially that I got all of them from people that voted either in my post or comment, But now I have understand from the post that some are from tipping. Am happy to see that there are many rewards for can get by have more BBH tokens so am buy more, either form TribalDex or from other platform/channels.

Running a hive-engine witness node is good, because i have seen the growth it has added to BBH project, with time BBH will explore and be known by all hive users.

Thank you 😊

This is my first time reading something comprehensive about the BBH token. I knew a bit about it because of Bradley and how he always tips me through engagement on threads.

All I have to say is that these are big and good plans for BBH and the community which will definitely help it thrive. These will help both investors and bloggers since blogging with the tag will help accumulate tokens through upvoted and investing will not only give you BBH but alive, swap hive, ctp and $LEO.

Reading this has peaked my interest and I’ll definitely be investing because it is seems worth it. I’ll start small and hopefully accumulate up to 100000 so I can also get ctp, swap hive and especially especially every Saturday. And of course, I’ll also be able to tip friends multiple times with a lot of BBH holdings.

And oh, let me get some wokerbee and support on Primersion. Together we build 😀

Awesome, I love what you are saying in your response 😀

Wow! I learned a lot from one post. Actually I haven't joined the Hive platform for a long time. So I had some confusion about Hive Engine and Witness. But through this post of yours I came to know about some important aspects of Hive Blockchain.

A few days ago, through some comments, I came to know that tips can be given in comments with a few commands. There are several token tipping options in this regard. Among them I am very happy to see the distribution system of BBH token in this post. I found that BBH Token does not require staking to tip. Moreover, by holding a certain number of BBH tokens, I will be able to give some more token tips. This will make it easier to engage with others in threads and comments.

I also saw that you are an Active Witness of the Hive Blockchain. You have brought up quite a few points on the witness vote, thanks for that. I hope to see you in the top 20 in the witness list very soon. Above all, your dedication to the Hive Blockchain is immense. Hope you get a good reward for it.

Thanks so much 🙏

Great to know you are back on Hive.

I do have some BBH, I was even surprised the first time I got it but then I don’t understand what it meant. Well, this is a great move by the community

I also believe that if more attentions is focused on the community it will help people understand more about it.

Also do we get the BBH token if we use the BBH tag and alive tag or they are of both different token.

With this this improvement it will give content creators the opportunity to create more content while using the BBH tag enabling the growth of the token. I believe some thing that helps community grow is the weekly prompt
If it can be initiated it will go a long way in helping the grow of not just the token but the community and it will also increase it awareness of BBH.

I believe another post should be made about how to get the BBH token aside earning it and the price should be indicated

Thanks for taking the time to reply 🙂

You’re welcome 😇

Hearing and getting to know about the BBH for the first time is cool and I will say aggressive support and encouraging people to invest into it will go a long way in strengthening the BBH and also help develop the BBH community page.


(1) Tipping:-This helps the holder grow even if the growth is at a slow pace and in turn strengthens the BBH in one way or the other but the clause is to get tipped, you have to come across someone nice enough to do that. This is cool but I won't encourage it because the growth of the BBH can't be based on a gift that I will say is based on probability.

(2) BUYING THE BBH:- Encouraging people to buy is the best option so far. The buyers will be educated as to the fact that the return on this type of investment is not immediate and that the reward is tied to the speculated growth of the BBH, and am sure some may invest why some may not.

Excellent summary. Thank you 😊

First time really getting to know more of the BBH token unlike the alive and thriving which I've heard of a thousand times. Well, what's the current price of BBH token? I would want to know since I haven't accumulated any to earn the BBH tips. So I guess, I'll buy from Tribaldex

And since you've promised to visit and curate contents regularly, I guess a lot of posts would be dropping. This is a great project and nobody would want to miss out.

The price you can find on Tribaldex. I did my weekly release price on 1 BBH equals 1 Satoshi today. At 0.00095 Hive.

This is amazing! The BBH token distribution and rewards structure is indeed well designed to incentivize community engagement and ownership of BBH. The tipping system based on the BBH holdings is also an interesting way to encourage participation and build a supportive community.

I can see that running a Hive-engine witness node appears to be an essential component in the development and sustainability of the BBH ecosystem, with the aim of facilitating the growth and functionality of the token. It's notable that support through the ownership and staking of WORKERBEE tokens could contribute to the improved ranking of the witness node.

Thanks so much 🙏

  • This sounds like a good idea. Getting more supporters to help achieve your dream is something potential so as to make the community grow and increase the reward also. I am also familiar with the alive tokens and this is my first time getting to know bbh tokens and how to get some in order to be tipping content on the Hive blockchain. This is a great initiative and something big that will be happening soon. You clearly explained the use of this token and that's impressive!

Thanks. Glad you understood my writing ✍️

BBH is a tipping token which have been my part of collection since I joined Hive Blockchain. I have earned a lot of them as I participated regularly on Alive tribe. Also, I have tipped others with it as part of the curation team of Heartbeatonhive project. It is an awesome token with great potentials and advantages

Thanks so much my friend :)

Pour gagner des BEE , il y'as aussi le tag #tribes
To win BEE, there is also the tag #tribes

Dear @hive-112281, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @hive-103505.

I saw some BBH tokens in my Hive engine wallet and I could not tell where they came from. That means I was tipped. Thanks to whoever did that. I'm just reading about this token in detail for the first time through the Zealy task and the project is a nice thing to be behold.

The interesting part of this BBN is that you just have to hold the token to receive rewards. THis is rare as many tokens here have to be staked. I am happy I can receive $LEO tokens and I think I will get some BBH tokens for that. What is the holding rewards APR?

I will also love to write in the BBH community when it is created, since it is linked with the I am alive tribe.

Keep pushing and more support will come. In overall, looking forward to seeing this BBH project growing into a greater height. I will support with the little I have.

Thanks so much 🙏

BBH is not li ked with Alive. We are friends 😀

ApR. Not really one. You get weekly drips for holding.

Wow, this is the beginning of something great and unique, honestly before now I never knew the importance of owning a BBH, i have seen it because I have gotten it tipped to me several times by Bradley, I just see it as a normal token and didn’t think much of it until now that I have taken a deep read into the BBH plan and project, I am actually happy reading this post, and this is because I have just learned something new in the last couple of months, I think I have more reason to spend my hive in accumulating the BBH token, I will start small by getting 20 BBH token from the market, and gradually I will try to increase my BBH so that I can get more tokens every Saturday, thanks for this information…

I haven’t used the BBH tag before so I don’t really know much about it but I think I agree with you that the posts that shows up in the BBH community as a result of using the tag should be given more attention, I believe there will be growth and improvement when we all come together to support this project, I know and believe that in no time the BBH community will grow much bigger, we understand your plans now so you don’t need to apologize…

Before I go from here, I have seen you have a big plans for us regarding this BBH project, I believe all you need is support and I am sure you will get it in no time, I have sold my bee tokens but I can buy more just to support this project, when I get some bee tokens staked, I will be sure to help you boost your ranking by supporting the project through primersion…

Together we move forward, let’s do this together ❤️❤️❤️

Wow, this is the beginning of something great and unique, honestly before now I never knew the importance of owning a BBH, i have seen it because I have gotten it tipped to me several times by Bradley, I just see it as a normal token and didn’t think much of it until now that I have taken a deep read into the BBH plan and project, I am actually happy reading this post, and this is because I have just learned something new in the last couple of months, I think I have more reason to spend my hive in accumulating the BBH token, I will start small by getting 20 BBH token from the market, and gradually I will try to increase my BBH so that I can get more tokens every Saturday, thanks for this information…

I haven’t used the BBH tag before so I don’t really know much about it but I think I agree with you that the posts that shows up in the BBH community as a result of using the tag should be given more attention, I believe there will be growth and improvement when we all come together to support this project, I know and believe that in no time the BBH community will grow much bigger, we understand your plans now so you don’t need to apologize…

In summary, I want to claim the BBH token because I want to support the growth of this project and I also want a taste of the Saturday token tipping ahaha…

Before I go from here, I see you have a big plans for us regarding this BBH project, I believe all you need is support and I am sure you will get it in no time, I have sold my bee tokens but I can buy more just to support this project, when I get some bee tokens staked, I will be sure to help you boost your ranking by supporting the project through primersion…

Together we move forward, let’s do this together ❤️❤️❤️

Thanks so much 🙏

Workerbee you need not BEE 😉

Ahaha oh I missed that, now I know better, I will be sure to get the workerbee token 😊

In Hive and Alive tribe, #BBH is one of best token to me. I got to know more about it via the tribe and the works of @bradleyarrow and currently l own over 400 tokens earned from tippings, curation and completing some tasks.

Happily, from the post above, I have learnt a lot of about BBH as not just a tipping bot but also an income token and that's why owning the tokens get a drips like BBB tokens every Saturday. And by virtue of the number of tokens I owned and bought from tribaldex, I am liable to tip up to 5 #bbh tokens every day and enjoy doing it.

Now, many known about the token via this zealy quest initiative, it's important to grind more quests like this one to climb the leaderboard.

Running a Hive engine witness nodes over twenty of them is a great way of getting BEE tokens to service the community and have more WORKERBEE to earn more

Thank you so much 😀

Yes I like this project so much that I added 5000 BBH token to my wallet. Connect it to Satishis is a smart move and I love to see where this is going to.

Now I look for the weekend to get some extra income and I can as well drop some BBH each day to the community.

Sounds fun and maybe the valui goes up. If not, we have at least some fun.

Let's see how much extra Hive will show up and when this will make the investment into a break even...

If you read the post I just put up you will more of my plans. Thank you 😊

This is such a nice initiative as it will help people understand more the benefits of holding BBH tokens.

This is actually my first time reading about BBH tokens,I do have some BBH tokens which I received as a tip from Bradley arrow without knowing how it works,now I understand better.

The tipping technic is super interesting,it will attract more people to the community and promote engagement.
Would have loved to vote but do not have any WORKERBEE.

Looking forward to seeing your project actualize and your community grow!!!

Thanks so much 🙏

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