Navigating the Airdrop Adventure: Lessons from Rug Pulls, and Promising Projects

in LeoFinance29 days ago


Good day, everyone, and welcome to my blog. There have been a lot of discussions about the bull run, which obviously led to many new projects springing out from different places just to capture the attention of the wider audience. Some of these projects have been successful, and while some did not meet the hype and cashed down within a matter of seconds, never to be heard again. I have been actively hunting and farming for airdrops since September last year, and believe me, when I say this, it has not been an easy journey.

The dedication and time put into farming for the best result have not been easy, but I have both seen promising results and disappointing results. The truth is that not all projects out there will be legit because there will always be scammers out there waiting and anticipating their moves to rip people off in their fake project schemes. There is this project I joined called Superfans, and they made a lot of noise about how the project was going to be the next big hit by May. They did a lot of things on Twitter and talked about the things they wished to achieve with their project.

It sounded all sweet and catchy at the beginning which saw many users joining the project for the first three months it was going well, but all of a sudden they stopped doing spaces and there was no hype or noise around the project, so I decided to check to see how my staked superfans token was doing but it was a different case as I was no longer able to access the website, plus their Twitter and discord disappeared then it dawn to me that us was another rug pull that happened before my very eyes.

Apart from the bad experience I had with some airdrop projects, I always got a good experience from NOTCOIN. I am sure some of us here on the blockchain have heard of this gaming project, which just recently launched two days ago. I have been actively playing gaming since last year, and honestly, I got tired sometimes, but I tried to still participate in the gaming project. When it was time for them to launch they postponed the launch date and said they were working on a few things and it pissed me off a little because they should have followed through with the date they set.

They got so many users, and some of them began to lose interest because of the shift in launch date, but two days ago, they launched all the top exchanges, and people made a lot of money, including myself. It made many people happy, and that is what a project should feel like. NOTCOIN is also planning to kick start phase 3 of their project and best believe they will be getting incredible numbers when their phase 3 is set in motion. There will be other look-alike projects like NOTCOIN that are already active, and some of them are probably scams, which is why we need to be careful when participating in any airdrop project.

The hunt and farming are not over as I am engaged in other gaming projects. I just hope they turn out to be worth the wait in the long run. So, guys, that will be all for now. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day.

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