The CryptoManiacs Podcast - Episode 168 w/ Blocktrades

in LeoFinance2 years ago

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It's always an honor to have @blocktrades stop by the podcast!

In this episode, we go over the state of the crypto industry, the latest hardfork(s) and of course, a sneak peek into the future of the blockchain!

Always a fun and informative talk and we hope you guys enjoy the show :)

We stream live each and every Tuesday and Friday at 1pm eastern!

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It might sound like a cliché but these kind of interviews are just what I need to reassure myself that I'm investing blood, sweet and tears in the right place.

Hive sure is a safe haven in times full of uncertainty.

Cheers guys! Keep up the good work :<)

It really is. I have no regrets building here for the past 5 years. It gets better each and every day!


I heard what I want to hear:

53:45 - In terms of decentralization, "Hive is the strongest blockchain out there, far advanced, and way ahead of the curve." - @blocktrades

1:05:00 - "Community, use case, and development. We have them all on Hive." - @jongolson

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah man, we really do have the best of everything crypto can offer right here!


Great listening to the CryptoManiacs Podcast. I learned a lot. More power!

Always a pleasure to see Dan on the show!

Great show! Thank you for your insights and updates @blocktrades. Very exciting to hear about all the past and future updates coming to Hive.

Great show. There were a lot of unethical things done by FTX and I agree that no consent means do not touch. As for Hive itself, I think it's a great place to be, and thanks for the clarifications on what happened during the last two hard forks.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So much smoother here and less stress too lol


Really great insights from Blocktrades. Thanks for having him on the show.

Thanks for hanging out and always supporting the show!


So is it called HALF?

I wonder how many lines of code I'll have to change to upgrade to this new setup. Sounds promising though in so many ways.

Yup, HAF....Hive Application Framework.


Oh now I remember that being said when it was first brought up. Derp

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any hint for HF28? :) @blocktrades

We haven't started thinking about HF28 features yet: there's a lot of things we can do without a hardfork being required and we're working on those features now.

Great to hear, hope to see a post about them in the future

Dear @blocktrades, the trading platform is not opening and even a Hive transaction I did for the past three days has not entered a wallet. Thanks for the view and response in advance.

Hive has proved itself to be a trustworthy block chain. I see a very big future in hive

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The episode focused on a deep dive into the Hive blockchain platform, emphasizing its technical aspects, community-focused approach, development strategies, and industry positioning. Discussions revolved around Hive's decentralized nature, technical robustness, handling scalability challenges, and strategic priorities in the blockchain space. The conversation highlighted Hive's commitment to building transformative applications, fostering a collaborative environment, and attracting developers to integrate new solutions into its ecosystem. Overall, the episode provided valuable insights into Hive's competitive strengths, decentralized approach, and long-term vision within the cryptocurrency landscape.

Detailed Article:
The episode delved into the technical intricacies of the Hive blockchain platform, shedding light on its transaction costs, scalability, hard forks, and smart contract engines. The speakers highlighted Hive's strength in true decentralization and technical robustness, positioning it favorably in the industry compared to other blockchain platforms. The emphasis on handling data scalability challenges, optimizing costs, and prioritizing decentralization showcased Hive's commitment to continuous improvement and solidifying its competitive stance in the market.

Moreover, the discussion compared Hive's decentralized nature to other blockchains, emphasizing the advantages it offers for financial transactions and mitigating counterparty risks. The mention of second-layer solutions for transaction handling, potential risks of smart contracts, and the cautious approach towards incorporating DeFi features underlined the balanced approach towards innovation, regulatory compliance, and security considerations within the Hive ecosystem.

The episode also touched upon Hive's community-focused approach, highlighting its use case, development strategies, and collaborative ethos. The speakers commended Hive's focus on building transformative applications on the blockchain and fostering a collaborative environment within its community. The emphasis on attracting new developers to integrate innovative solutions into the platform underscored a dedication to continuous growth and development, showcasing a long-term perspective beyond short-term token price fluctuations.

In essence, the transcript provided a comprehensive overview of Hive's strategic priorities, industry positioning, and community dynamics, portraying Hive as a platform that prioritizes application development, community collaboration, and sustainability. By focusing on building practical applications, fostering a collaborative ecosystem, and attracting new developers, Hive sets a precedent for a holistic and long-term approach within the cryptocurrency industry, distinguishing itself as a platform with a strong technical foundation, community support, and a future-focused vision.

Notice: This is an AI-generated summary based on a transcript of the video. The summarization of the videos in this channel was requested/approved by the channel owner.