The Cure For Writer's Block

in LeoFinance4 months ago

Earlier this week, we spoke about planning your content creation schedule. The idea behind this is to always have your days planned out, so you aren't sitting around trying to figure out what you are going to write about.

So the next question is...

How do we even know what to write about in the first place?

So I'm going to assume a few things before we dive into this....

You know what your passion is! And if you don't know what you absolutely love with all your heart, there is nothing anyone can do to help you with that. Spend some time if you are struggling with your 'reason why' and come up with niches / topics that you think about 24-7-365.

That's how you discover your passion!

Now that we have that out of the way, it's time to build up your arsenal of knowledge. And it's important to note, this is how I do things...But in no means does that make it gospel. For me, acquiring knowledge is done by surrounding myself with thought leaders in my chosen niche / topic.

And to bring that home, it means reading the books these people have written over the years. However, maybe you aren't into reading, maybe you watch seminars, YouTube presentations, read blogs, listen to podcasts...Whatever medium you choose, your goal should be to fill your mind with information about your chosen niche. ** Become a sponge for this stuff**, and soak it all up.

These are the 5 books I recommended on Wednesday live stream and it should make sense. These books are focused on marketing, content creation and personal growth. Pretty much these topics have been my passion for decades now. And while it's not an exhaustive list, the point is....I soak up as much content as I can about....My passions!

But here's the thing....

As much as we like to think, we're brilliant and the smartest person on the planet...We aren't! And we will forget the bulk of what we read and learn in our journey through the University of Self-Education. So you need to write what you learn down...

Here's some examples of ideas, quotes and thoughts I have in my personal journal.

I cannot begin to describe how powerful journaling is, and how it builds a wealth of information for you over the years. In fact, that picture above, is from a book I read about 5 years ago. I used a few of thoughts quotes / ideas in some of my latest blog posts when I got 'stuck' for things to write about.

Everything you learn, even if you think and swear you will remember it later....Write it down!

So here's your game plan going forward:

1. Read, learn, watch, soak up all the information you can about your chosen passion (niche / topic) Become a student of it!

2. Write down everything you learn over the years while attending the University of Self-Education

And finally, with those two habits in your arsenal, I guarantee you this....You'll never have writer's block ever again!

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Here's how to.....

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It's just like all these things have to be taken care of very much. When a person works on such a platform, it's his responsibility to take certain content.

I have been writing for the better part of thirty years... and I gotta say that I have only experienced what folks call "writer's block" a few times and that was very long ago.

The way to not have it (in my perspective/experience) is to simply begin by writing a single word... then another word... and another... and however many it takes until a sentence forms... and see what emerges from there.

If that does not work for a given person's personality then yeah you are providing some super sound advice here @jongolson and I concur that folks should write what they are passionate about and what they know and/or are learning about!

Never have to struggle to find the words, if we love what we are talking about!

Creating a post schedule is something that I just covered with my new group of Redfish I am teaching to become Minnows.

And then yes... you have to blog about stuff that you love and it needs to be repeatable!

And then something I gleaned from this post of your-self about educating myself is the idea of constant immersion in that subject, whatever it my be. Revisiting a book or reading old notes, journals and posts is a way to stay focussed.

Thank you!


Oh man, it's the best university on the planet. You get to decide the curriculum!

Indeed! So much to learn!

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A lot of people are finding it difficult to actually discover their passion and not only discovering it but also working towards it

That's something people have to discover on their own.

Write down 3 things, every day for a week that you love. Take a look at those lists at the end of the week. the things that showed up the most...that's your passion.

I should probably write down more of the things that I do. It's something that I should consider because there is a lot going on in life. However, I do listen to a lot of stuff on youtube and some of the topics are quite interesting. So who knows if I should write about it eventually.

It's a great habit. Even if it's digital, make a note of what you learned on the audio. it'll be very useful down the road.

Gary vaynerchuk says, document your progress, that becomes content. And that content becomes roadmap for others on what to do and what not to. I think this is one of the ways one can avoid the burnout and also have something to show up for every day.

Yup yup! Document evrything!!!

This must be very helpful and I will give it a try. I have suffered from writer’s block so many times now and I’m yet to get the cure
I’d give this a try
Thanks for sharing

Glad to hear it :)

Writing the information we've come across through reading/watching/listening to things we're passionate about has been a game changer. I think it gives some structure to our thoughts and from there we can build up on it and make some content out of it.

It'll end up being a never ending arsenal of things to write about!

We typically generate ideas from what we already know, especially as writers. So that means that possessing a great stock of knowledge means we never run out of ideas to put down on paper. So yes, you are totally right. And it's also paramount to write down each knowledge we acquire so as not to forget them. A great way to eliminate the writers block. Thanks for sharing and have a great day.

Summed it up perfectly!

Funny you mentioned journaling... I don't journal my personal thoughts or anything, really only my trades, haha, because well I am trying to be a better trader before anything else. But... after updating my iPhone the other day, I now have this journaling app on my phone and I haven't deleted it yet, haha. So I may need to give journaling some thought. I am afraid it would turn out to be like any other time I try to organize myself, lol. Adult A.D.H.D. can be a problem, haha.

You are a better person than me...Dude I can't use digital / phone journals to save my life. I have tried everything from Evernote to Day One lol

I need a physical journal to write in, or else I'm doomed lol

I guess so, it's just something else I have to keep up with, haha.

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Most times even as a professional writer, it can be difficult to keep the pace and at times keep writing and that's why I will always advise that one should always take a break at times