Consumer behavior is continuously observed by producers

in LeoFinance6 months ago

Hi, Hive Lovers

Your shopping behavior as a consumer has been spied on and observed over the long term, then studied and shaped so that you have an emotional attachment so that you buy their products.

Consumer behavior has become characterized by a tendency to spend their money on something they want, not on something they really need.

You will look even weaker if you are trapped by an advertisement for a product, and what only makes you persist in not buying is a situation where you have to postpone spending your money because you don't have money in your wallet. But you will continue to be filled with advertisements continuously, even if you only open and see their advertisements once.

In the eyes of producers, we, as consumers, are easy targets as victims. It was like a lamb tied to a rope, and they were surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves. Hungry wolves will always observe and study the behavior of their potential prey, even if their potential victim is tied at the end of a rope.

We as consumers have been tied to a big, strong rope in the form of desire and connection with emotional involvement towards a product. This attachment is demonstrated by a marketing system that targets our subconscious as consumers, showing that our desire for a product has become a feeling of really needing that product.

Producers and sellers are those who try their best to convince you as a consumer by giving reasons so that you feel the need to get this product.

For example, including very unreasonable reasons why you should now buy their product, it is because of the reasons implanted in our subconscious mind that their product will no longer be produced in the future, and it seems as if only a few people will have the opportunity to get their current product.

A person's prudence as a consumer should be considered when spending their money. Only buy something when you really need it, not just to fulfill your desires because of the lure of a "misleading" marketing system.

You don't need things because they exist, but you should need them because you actually use them and you get great benefits from the product.

Trying to free yourself from the strong ropes of the marketing system is an effort that is full of energy and requires sacrifice. If you are distracted and allow yourself to be stuffed with reasons why someone really needs a product, then you will become the weakest and most tied lamb.

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