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RE: #saturdaysaversclub | Year 4 Week 18 | Saturday 4 May 2024

in LeoFinance23 days ago

Hello @shanibeer. What a lovely beach area. What I like when visiting a beach is separate activities the kids can enjoy in addition to the water.

You are increasing at an amazing rate. I see you've broke the 100K HP barrier. Congrats.

Thanks so much for the HSBI's you award Hive members through their various efforts. It's much appreciated. Also, thanks for your support of my Hive journey.

Take care and have a good start to your weekend.


It's a very nice beach area, and the weather has been glorious this week.

The Saturday Savers Club has been amazing, hasn't it? You were one of our first members all that time ago, and now it's developed a life of its own!

Yes, I started in the Club early on in its first year. Amazing growth in helping support Hive members while they realize a path to achieving their savings goals.

Take care.