Introducing LeoLinker - A Tool for LeoGlossary Content

in LeoFinance4 months ago (edited)

Are you including LeoGlossary links in your content?

Some of you have probably heard of LeoGlossary, a project spearheaded by @taskmaster4450. LeoGlossary began as a glossary of financial, cryptocurrency, and blockchain related terms that would be of interest to people using a blockchain based financial blogging platform.

But as Leofinance transformed into InLeo and broadened its focus beyond finance and crypto, LeoGlossary expanded its scope into more of a Wikipedia on the blockchain concept. It now covers films, actors, music, and other topics, and will continue to expand into new categories going forward.

The essential idea behind LeoGlossary is to create a collection of content on InLeo that ranks well on Google.

How? By having a lot of content and a lot of links within that content that link to other LeoGlossary content that also has links to other LeoGlossary content that would also link to further LeoGlossary...

Getting the picture?

Websites that have a lot of internal links ( which are useful links amongst and between all of the various web pages and blog posts on the site) become a kind of mini web of content. For example, a post about the movie "The Matrix" would have links to a page about the star, Keanu Reeves, as well as to pages about the rest of the cast, along with other incidental links, such as link to a page about the term "white rabbit", for example, as it was an important term in the movie that the reader might want more information on. And the pages that "The Matrix" links to will probably have links back to it, and to other pages, which link to other pages, and so on.

This mini web of content (within the greater World Wide Web) is a place on the web where people can explore, learn, and potentially get lost for a while. Ever heard of a Wiki Rabbit Hole? Well, we will have people going down LeoGlossary rabbit holes. Maybe we should call them Leo Labyrinths™? hmmm...

Obviously, going down rabbit holes keeps people exploring LeoGlossary and InLeo for longer periods of time, which is an indicator to Google that the site should rank higher. In other words, it's great for SEO, or search engine optimization if you don't know.

And apparently, in addition to that boost, Google also just happens to like sites with lots of relevant internal links and gives them a few more PageRank points for it, increasing search engine visibility even more.

So the site moves up the Google rankings and is more likely to be discovered by people searching the Internet.

A higher search engine ranking translates into more people visiting InLeo. More visitors to InLeo translates to more ad revenue distributed to content creators, in addition to bringing in new users.

Do I have to explain any further why you should be contributing to LeoGlossary?

And do I have to explain why you, as an InLeo content creator, should be including LeoGlossary links in your content?

Of course not. You're smart enough to figure out that what is good for InLeo is also good for you, as a fractional owner / investor in the platform.

So you're probably wondering things like, "How?" or "Which links should I include?" or "Can you just get on with the friggin' LeoLinker explanation already?"

What is LeoLinker?

OK, OK! Here it is: LeoLinker is an app I built so that you can easily insert links to LeoGlossary pages in your InLeo posts.

(or posts on other Hive front ends... or anything you post anywhere on the internet, for that matter. Those kinds of links are helpful for page rank, too).

I mean, manually looking for and copy / pasting in all those links in every post would be kind of a pain in the ass, wouldn't it? It might be nice to have some help.

How Does LeoLinker Work?

Say you're writing a post about Bitcoin. You might have the Bitcoin related terms "blockchain" and "private key" in your post somewhere.

Just copy / paste your post into LeoLinker and BOOM! - those Bitcoin related terms are now linked to the LeoGlossary pages that explain them in more detail, like this: "blockchain" "private key".

This will not work for every single word that could possibly come up in your posts, obviously, as LeoGlossary doesn't have posts covering every possible word — not yet, anyway 😁

Both LeoGlossary and LeoLinker are works in progress, with new terms begin added daily. But so far there are tons of terms for finance, trading, companies, cryptocurrency, blockchain, insurance, films, actors, music, Splinterlands, and general terms to include in your posts.

How to Use LeoLinker

You can learn how to use LeoLinker here. Not that it's that hard or anything.

Keep in mind, I'm still working out kinks. There are some bugs. They will be dealt with in time.

Future Plans for LeoLinker

There are some minor improvements I want to make in the near future, like adding a basic explanation of SEO and what terms a user might want to include / exclude, how many terms to use, etc. I think I should also add popup menus over terms that have multiple links to choose from in the database, such as the term "short", which has one link to the short film page and another to the short selling page.

I also want to add the ability for users to view all of the terms and links in the database, so I can get feedback and ideas from the InLeo community.

Another idea I have is the ability to view terms that are NOT in LeoGlossary yet. I still need to flesh it out a bit, so I will go into that in a future post.

Oh, yeah! That reminds me: need to put a link to LeoLinker IN LeoLinker! Just in case anyone else writes about LeoLinker in their posts!

Thanks for reading so carfully. See you nex time.

About the Author:

Ken Dewitt is an ESL teacher who likes to tinker around with programming in his free time. He's been part of the Hive community since 2016.

Want to get involved in LeoLinker or LeoGlossary (or have some other idea)? Follow and contact @kendewitt, on:

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Since I discovered LeoGlossary I was asking myself: how awesome would it be if someone coul d develope a tool which automatically links LeoGlossary words to the ones in your post?

I have just given a look at your site, done a quick test... and it works! Huge congrats for developing such a useful tool! And thanks for sharing it with everyone :)


Thanks! I had the same thought 😀. BTW let me know if you find any bugs or have any further ideas.

You did an awesome job: I like that it is so easy and straightforward to use it!

I didn't notice any bugs, beside the fact that if I copy-paste an entire text, markdowns included, it seems to change things a little, but I can copy-paste only the text without the markdowns, and this should resolve the issue.

One feature that I'd love to have, though, is the possibility to quickly choose if I want to keep a suggested link to LeoGlossary or not.

This, because LeoGlossary now contains a lot of generic terms which are associated with movies, music, etc, which often doesn't make sense in a text: for ex., I used the adjective "greater" and LeoLinker added a link to a movie which has the word "greater" in its title.

Of course LeoLinker can't understand if the LeoGlossary term makes sense or not in my text - unless you can add some AI features... am I dreaming too big? 😂 - so it would be super useful to have, let's say, a button to open a new tab in LeoLinker where you can quickly see all the words to which LeoLinker added a link to LeoGlossary and next to each word an other button that can be used to delete some of this words.

So, if LeoLinker find 5 matches in LeoGlossary, which are Bitcoin, Hive, Staking, Fear and Fantasy, but the words Fear and Fantasy refer to movies, music, videogames, etc etc, and you don't want them in your post, you can quickly toggle the first button, find all 5 words in a short list and click on the button ❌ next to words "Fear" and "Fantasy" to delete the LeoGlossary links associated with them.

I hope this does make sense! English is not my first language, so sometimes I'm not sure if what I write is what I mean 😅

Thanks again for you work!

Yeah, I plan to work on the ability to quickly choose if you want to keep a selected link or choose from multiple links for the same word. But as far as adding AI goes, probably not any time soon, because I would probably have to use a paid API and it would probably be more expensive than I can afford for this project. But I will be looking into it.

And yes, what you wrote makes total sense. And for my main job I just happen to be an ESL teacher, so I know what I'm talking about 😉

Ahahah thanks! :)

I'm going to keep using your tool and I also hope it get noticed by INLeo's team, as your work derserves some support and love!

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This tool is freakin' amazing!!! Just used it on this article and got almost 30 links in this "article"/summary:

I'll be using it on everything from now on. Saves me so much time and does a better job than me in addition. THANK YOU!

Awesome! Glad to know it is useful for people. I'll put the link counter idea on the to do list.

just found out about it..

Man, was searching for this kinda tool from so long.. hats off to you for making this happen!

Thanks. I hope it saves you a lot of time and effort.

Bug: I discovered a case where the tool put in a link to instead of

That is very strange. There are no links in the database. You copied directly from LeoLinker and pasted into InLeo?

Apologies for the late response, I missed the notification.

Yes, that's correct. Although this is the only time it has happened, and I've used the tool on thousands of words now, both in my main account and in the @ai-summaries account (where it's been an invaluable help).

As another commenter suggests, the ability to remove unwanted links would be most welcome. I would like to add to that suggestion; You wouldn't need a separate window. What if you simply make it so that if you click a link in the box to the right, the link is deleted? That would be super convenient and hopefully not too difficult to implement.

Anyways, keep up the great work, this tool still saves me a ton of time, even if it's a hassle to remove the unwanted links.

What if you simply make it so that if you click a link in the box to the right, the link is deleted?

Yeah, I plan on it.

awesome. Looking forward to that

I've just read this post. Oh wow. Great job.
I arrived in LeoFinance recently and I'm planning to use this great tool as soon as I'll write my next post on the platform.

Cool. I hope you find it useful.


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Suggestion: Add a counter that shows how many links were added