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RE: Life as a Minimizer

in LeoFinance2 months ago

minimalistic approach is good and it is a prop to set something remaining for the future. What I see that, minimalism is frugality and thats what keeps one footed to the ground despite having a large wealth on hands to spend.

Sometimes we need to learn vital lessons, to calculate the money and assets and finding other ways to get going during tough times. All the best for the rest.


I kind of feel that the minimalistic lifestyle might have been somewhat overstated, so that people would attempt to be happier with less, while their resources are extracted from them continually. I have never been wealthy enough to get too far from the ground though ;)

I have never been wealthy enough to get too far from the ground though ;)

Ha ha. Thats a joke, man. You have your limit of reaching the level to try to get your feet off the ground. That indicates despite having something in possession, you can solemn and reserve yourself.

Thats a good trait to have. But as you said, you were minimalistic right from the early days, you know how to get there by keeping low and snow.