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RE: My journey to top 100 by HP to help spread Hive far and wide

in LeoFinance9 months ago

and it will surely do very well for you, because those of us who plan at Hive in the long term know that it may be possible for it to reach $3 or $4 and when that happens, the network will explode.

Meanwhile I continue to grow just like you. I only have about 500 hp, but I recently met my goal of reaching 300 hp (not including the delegation that I gave to Tipu to help me), and my next goal is to reach 500, this means that I must gain 150 HP, which for sure For you it's nonsense, but for me they are micro goals that I set for myself.

Keep working hard, even though I'm a minnow, one day I'll be a dolphin! and I work for it my friend.


Most of us started with 0 $HIVE. I encourage you to keep one foot in front of the other always and you'll reach your goals.

Yes, we started this adventure as zeroes hahahaha.

I fight every day, I interact with dozens of people and I make a lot of my life through discord. It is a complex task because there is often not enough time to answer so many people's questions and collaborate with so many hivers, but when you want, you can always achieve things.

Are you going to be present at the hivefest friend?

I was very much looking forward to attending Hive Fest this year, but I was unable to obtain a Mexican Visa in time.

ohh that's very sad, but I think there will be possibilities to connect with certain hivers live, directly from the hive fest, I would really like you to give a concert, or something similar.

If you haven't thought about it, I think it's an idea you should consider.