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RE: My Most Successful Post in Years (Promoting Hive) Was Just Downvoted by Curangel for Over $200 Right Before Payout

in LeoFinance3 years ago

What if the genuine truthers on here decided to stop using their posts as some kind of scoreboard effecting their self-esteem and instead drew their energy from the fact that they can still post and focused on genuine user engagement.

I understand that this is an income for some, and it may yet be that in the future (if we get over this bumpy ride) - but I still see so many pluses in the use of Hive in regards to dissemination of truth.


The problem is also that the impact of zeroing a post removes that post from trending lists (as Kenny explains in his post) and is essentially giving the power of editorializing content to those with the largest stake.

Like it or not, these posts are a scoreboard and the upvote reward total is how the system decides which posts are worthy of more eyeballs. Allowing several accounts to choose who is on the trending lists is the furthest thing from decentralization.

I suppose I stopped looking at the score board when I stopped using facefuck.

So I seem to be a bit more immune to the illusion of the numbers game.