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RE: Introducing the New LeoAds Mechanic | LEO POWER Balances Will Begin Growing with Built-In APY From LeoFinance Ad Revenue

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Thank you for implementing something that i have been crying out for on hive front ends for the past five years.

Our content is our product it has been utterly wasted up until tribes were created and ads implemented into them. Even at that, they have never been fully utilized to pull value back into those tribes apart from Leo.

I used to love seeing the ad reports and hw much could be generated from the leo sites and brought back into the community.

While the original buy and burn was a help to the community i think that having an 8% APR on Leo is a far more visible form of incentive to hold and actively try to grow the token price.

I think that this should be standard coding for any tribe that is created along with the leo onboarding program that you have also created.

At this stage I would have expected tribes to be at version 3 or 4 with all f these upgrades standard so that it does not rest on each individual owner to pay for the same development over and over again.

@aggroed it would be amazing if we saw all tribes keep growing in the direction that the leofinance team have taken and would appeal to a lot more people to pay for one if they were more ready to go than the current version with all of these features as standard.

But that is a different discussion for the hive-engine team where as the leo team is killing it for the community.

Where can i get a job application for the future of web3?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Where can i get a job application for the future of web3?

You were already hired. Your job is poster, commenter, and curator.

Now get to work. We have Facebook to track down.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks boss.

Now I would like a promotion and a raise if we are going chasing down Facebook.

They will play dirty during the race. Especially when they see us catching up in a few years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Now I would like a promotion and a raise if we are going chasing down Facebook.

Granted. You are promoted to lead commenter.

Quadruple the number of comments you make and your income will increase.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

TM4450, you could run a serious commenting business. Use people's accounts to write comments for them and charge them for the boost.. If you ever do something like that, I would like a commission of let's say 5%.

Deal? :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Use NFTs so you get a payout for life.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I still don't understand all the NFT hype.. :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

"While the original buy and burn was a help to the community i think that having an 8% APR on Leo is a far more visible form of incentive to hold and actively try to grow the token price."

100%. I think this model will have a much more noticeable impact. As I said in a previous comment - it creates a deeply entrenched incentive that kickstarts a virtuous cycle. People stake LEO to earn the APY and earn more APY when they use their staked LEO to grow the platform. When they grow the platform, the APY goes up and more people jump in for the increased APY.

"Where can i get a job application for the future of web3?"

If you are serious about this, we are absolutely onboarding more core team members. DM Khal on Discord! I know we're looking for a few people to handle more marketing initiatives / engagement-growth based initiatives.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If you are serious about this, we are absolutely onboarding more core team members.

I actually would be interested in joining the team officially.

I can make a living from being part of the Hive and LEO eco-system but I would enjoy building it a lot more and turning LEO into the forefront of crypto information and onboarding.

I believe that it can happen with the right plan and if the right opportunity was there to get involved I would be very interested.

Which team member am I talking with and what positions are you trying to fill at the moment if you might know.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Any push in the price of LEO also helps CUB and POLYCUB since those pools are on there. With so much LEO off chain, it helps the TVL and yield when the price of LEO increases.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta