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RE: Listening To The Wrong People On Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I think the big picture of Hive that many may be missing is that it is so much more than a blogging platform to earn on. It is a technology that will greatly impact many establishments in the future.

When one begins to see this space, Hive, as a place where all their dreams can come true alone, it will then turn out that they will bite the hand that once fed them when all things do not work as they expect. There are really simple "unwritten" rules here on Hive. Following them isn't that hard, but unacknowledging them and expecting growth and prosperity is nonsensical, if you will.

Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency are changing the world as we know it. Its impact is already here, and in a matter of time, it'll shape the future we are walking into. It is those who see the big picture that will be the first partakers when the time comes. These naysayers will be nowhere close to anything when that time comes.


There is the context within the ecosystem and also outside.

We have a lot more to offer other than blogging. There are also things happening in the world of blockchain/crypto that is not condusive to decentralization. Some of what we are talking about isnt really possible elsewhere.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta