Let your voice be heard

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

The first xPolyCub governance voting will end soon.
Like everything else in Sooniverse ™


The original rules and full details can be found in this post

You may want to see how far we have gone and what the voting situation is at this moment, less than 22 hours before the "END whistle" ?

Only 73 votes received

These 73 votes represent only 13% of all xPC wallet holders
Even more worrying is that only 10 whales from the richlist TOP-30 have participated.

15 d supporters = 33 votes ... 54.2% (by combined xPC stake)
30 d supporters = 36 votes ... 43.6%
90 d supporters = 4 votes .... 2.1%

Total votes: 73 (13.1%)
Total quantity of xPOLYCUB represented: ~ 44890 (23.7%)

Voters from the richlist TOP-30 .... 10
Voters from the richlist TOP-20 .... 8
Voters from the richlist TOP-10 .... 3

Don't miss this opportunity

You still have another 21.5 hours to vote. (this is ~1300 minutes)
There is still an opportunity to be heard and (possibly) an opportunity to change the overall picture.

I also recommend posting (in the comment section of this post) your strong & clear arguments as to WHY you think others should follow your option, which you think is the best.
(15, 30 or 90 days)

Wake UP !

(even if you are not whale)


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


90days.... I don't have a strong argument. I just love anything long term😅

I've been out of town for the last couple days so I just got to this. I agree with the 30 day window. 90 is definitely too long but I think there does need to be a decent waiting period. Especially while the emissions are still fairly high. In another month or two when they've been halved and halved again, I think 15 days will be plenty. But the point of governance is this can be revisited and voted on again at that point so...my vote is to drop it to 30 days now with the idea that we'll drop it further in a couple months.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I voted. I'm surprised so few people did, but then again it wasn't as easy as hitting a button, and we know people rarely vote unless it is very easy.

I picked 30. While having money earlier seems better, I also don't know if it would be best for the platform (and therefore for me, long term), so as with most things, the middle way seems best.


(you know... LEO should really get a tipping bot)

I went for 30 days. It's not too short and not too long a time. The same term as the HBD savings on chain, of course with different reward tokens. It would be interesting to compare the earnings in both although I have yet to do the farming.

I already voted and I think it's important that everyone does the same! One of the best things about decentralized governance is that everyone can have their voice on how things should be so don't miss this opportunity.

Personally, I voted for a 30-day window because I think it's a nice middle ground

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Personally, I voted for a 30-day window because I think it's a nice middle ground

Stop being such a wimp and acting lie Portugal. Take a stand for once in your life.

Live on the end. Vote for either 15 or 60.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LMAO, I also voted 30 days and am gonna see if any of my normies haven't voted so I can shill them 30 days! lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Dont get them to do that.

Shill a bad idea is not a good thing. 30 days is a lifetime. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lmao, yeah I actually told then I wish I'd of voted for 15 days.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Just there is no "60 day" option actually :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good. It is a stupid one.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Or you're testing if anyone really read the content before replying

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Can't help it... the Portuguese colonized my country so its in our DNA LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It seems with where things are going, you will be able to change that soon.

Kind of like an oil change, just get your DNA changed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can't believe how little votes have actually come in. Come one people!

30 days lockup is the way. 15 days is just too short and will encourage dumping. 30 days is the sweet spot. 90 days is an eternity in crypto time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Pity about the low turn out. @solymi already made a point I was going to make. Would it not be something to talk about, having a way to incentivise voting and a penalty for those who don't. I believe that for this sort of governance to work and indeed polycub in general it will need a bigger community participation.
Voted for 30 as I see it is a good middle ground.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Glad that you see it as I do. kusama has a secret society where members get slashed for not participating in votes. The society leader changes every 28 days(if I remember it right) the members of the society have to cast their vote for a new leader. If they fail to so so they collect a strike 10 strikes results in a vote where they can be removed from the society.
Of course this can not fully be implemented, but some sort of incentive for voting just as a higher APR or an extra polycub drop would help to get people to vote.

The secret society thing sounds a bit scary but I do like the idea of reducing earnings on those who don't participate in the governance and rewarding those who do. I believe that for any project to sustain itself the network effect needs to be strong.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

it is actually a bit scary, members of the society have to provide proof of ink: a tattoo representing the canary bird and the tx hash of the leader at the time of the tattoo being made. Crazy.
W are still at the beginning and thats why I thought we will have more enthusiasm for the first vote.
Network effect will kick in if we work together to promote the project on all outlets.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I casted my vote for the 30 day period. I think it is the better option instead of haveing to wait 90 days but I also think that 15 days are a short period of time and could hurt the overall price of polycub in the long run.
It is actually a pity that the number of votes is so low. I thought investors would care more about the future of the project.
Then again it is as always, when it comes to casting votes, only a few participate and a lot who did not vote will be raging about the outcome afterwards.
We could implement a rule if you miss a vote your rewards get a penalty of a certain percent just as in the society votes of the Kusama network.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you very much indeed for the reminder. I think 30 days is really good and balanced. Come on, the community is a great time to make your voice heard.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think 30 days is good because we need to go with a more balanced approach.

Time to vote people. We were given governance, exercise it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Really this is a great opportunity. No one should miss this opportunity.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah well. Many will.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

just did, but don't blame me for the result.

don't blame me for the result.

I tend to blame Canada for most things even if they didnt do it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I tend to like Icehockey and Moose Beef, so it's not about the country. But politically they are doomed. Living in an illusion as a second-rate Colorado up there.

30days is definitely prefarable

I don't like confinement but I understand why it is done. My bet is for 30 days, I think it is a balanced time to meet the objectives and be attractive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the timely reminder for everyone to vote for the proposal.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just voted for 30 days. I am not really farming but I think 90 days is just way too long and I think 15 days might be a bit too short.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think 30 days is just right. Just right in the middle !

Thanks for the reminder! Where do you find the rich list?

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Who will be the next 74th voter in the sooniverse ???

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let me check if I'm eligible to vote.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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Looks like it's only me who has voted for 15 days. :)) I am pretty sure we are going to settle for 30 because there are so many people think it's a nice middle ground. I am okay with that too because 90 days is too long for most investors. Moreover, everyone would like to compound their earnings and in compounding, timing is very important.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Since Voting is stake-weighted based, so that could be the reason for not voting, because it does not matter a lot for tiny accounts.

Sounds like a solid reason.
Here is how all votes spread by the owned xPC stake

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So are you saying its not stake-weighted based ? But the original post says so.

Voting is stake-weighted based on how much xPOLYCUB you hold - the more xPOLYCUB in your wallet, the more valuable your vote will be

In the fast Crypto world any penalty, fee, or waiting period will deter investors.
Voted for 15 days.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I also recommend posting (in the comment section of this post) your strong & clear arguments as to WHY you think others should follow your option, which you think is the best.

And what's your opinion?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

May I ask you a question? What you vote for @onealfa?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This will be the first time in my life where my vote actually counts, even if I'm not a whale. Next time maybe more will vote.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I voted for 30days window I know my account is not that big bit it matter that I vote anyway for the governance of ×poly

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I voted for 15. I think the goal of the farm is to attract as many investors and as much liquidity to pHBD as soon as possible.

Most investors want their yield yesterday, so I think the best way to reach the above goal is to have the shortest wait time.

You gonna wait until the end to cast your deciding vote @onealfa?


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Voted a few days ago…
Sad to see not more people are voting.

It is so important people!

Will share your post @onealfa, hope a few more will see it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

was a couple of times on the page, asking myself "Where do I vote?", didn't see it, went on doing other life things.


ok, voted now srsly that the "How-To Vote" post should have been written in max 5 lines, not 250.

Wow, this is cool.