The first INNING of the BULL MARKET has just started, here is where we are!

in LeoFinance4 years ago


Looking at the 1 MONTH time-frame is a much calmer way to gauge the current state of the BULL/BEAR market cycles.

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Dating back to 2012, we can see roughly where the market cycle currently is.

We can say that the current CYCLE started this year in MARCH with the massive dump to 6K.

This would be noted as the first part of the green box area you see starting in 2020. After that we had the sharp rise to 10k, and where we are now at 20K and currently ranging.

What is good to note here, is how this is the early stage of the bull cycle.

The outlook here is that in late 2021 we could see the peak of the CYCLE!

While this is by no means a way to be 100% sure, this is simple looking at past performance and time adjustments -- please do your own proper research for your own asset investments as always!

@originate Developer & Market Analyst

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta