Will ROBOTICS and AI take center stage after this global pandemic?

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

While many of us here on LEO are focused on CRYPTO, I believe another surging sector is robotics.

Life has become a bit different with this bizarre year.

One thing for know for certain, is that while we want a NORMAL life again, we don't know exactly what that means anymore.

I believe a sector which was already growing will take even a bigger stage in the coming years.

That would be ROBOTS and AI.

Let's take a look at one major area this will happen.


We are already seeing a mass amount of this in JAPAN a country that has embraced this far sooner than the western world. But I believe that could be changing.

Screen Shot 20201212 at 10.26.57 PM.png

Robots can not only now handle the food, they can place the orders, and come deliver the food.

This takes a great deal of less health risks.

The example above is a sushi restaurant in Japan called PEPPER. In this chain, all the orders are placed with a robot who then delivers the food directly to your table.


From an investment standpoint I see this as a great area for us at LEO to look at, and the companies that will benefit from this as prospective investment assets -- an upcoming trend I believe is most definitely shaping up.

In a future post, I will highlight the robot impact in the home!

@originate Developer & Market Analyst

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