PlatON wallet plugin

in LeoFinance19 days ago

A while back my attention was drawn to PlatON wallet for pc, that most of my wallets based article were based on mobile devices and after several hours of checking it seems I haven't done proper introduction into PlatON wallet plugin.

For those not familiar with the concept of wallet, these are soft/hard wares that allows one to store crypto based assets either in a custodial manner or non custodial.

By custodial, the wallets are backed by a centralized system that most times requires one to provide one or more forms of identification before accessing/creating an account with them and while this might be somewhat secured it also comes with its own disadvantage which is the 3rd party verification, if for any reason the said platform goes offline, users will simply have to wait pending on when the platform comes back up but this is not the case for non custodial as they can be easily imported and exported to other supported wallets without any cost.

PlatON wallet plugin falls under the non custodial wallet criteria as users have full control over their assets at every point in time.

As the name says, it is a an sdk plugin that requires a decentralized wallet like metamask to run, meaning users can't create wallet via it but rather it synchronizes with your existing wallet be it on Metamask or others.

PlatON wallet plugin provides easy process to get onboarded into the PlatON ecosystem by creating 3 different ways to send in assets and these are,

Method 1: Transfer assets from other networks to the PlatON network through cross-chain bridges

Method 2: Purchase assets on the PlatON network by paying in fiat currency through integration with Alchemy Pay and FaTPay. We will support more convenient recharge methods in the future.

Method 3: Deposit through Interchain Transfer. After depositing assets to the specified address, the asset deposit on the PlatON network can be completed.

So if you have a PC and would love to explore the various DApps and developing DApps on PlatON without having to go through exchanges then you can install the PlatON wallet plugin today and use one or all of the mentioned process to fund your various accounts.

To get started, simply head to this link via your pc and install/run the wallet plugin

If you have a question or two about the above then send a comment below and I will be sure to reply soonest.