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RE: My journey to top 100 by HP to help spread Hive far and wide

in LeoFinance9 months ago

Good luck reaching those goals! You seem to have everything it takes to get there :) Good that you have other sources to cover your real life expenses. I was super close to becoming an orca here organically, two times actually... But then real life got in the way both times :(

@tipu curate 2


Thanks fren! Yeah, I've been on track for my first year of using this system... just 7 more to go :) The daily, weekly and monthly milestones are very realistic and based on what I'm currently obtaining from posts, curation and also purchases; I didn't just make them up.

I see you're still top 500 though 🙌, you've got a healthy reputation score and a large following. You'll get there in no time.

Yeah, I know, you have some solid and realistic plans here :)

Well, I did some math too and if I didn´t withdraw anything, I would already be way over 100k Hive earned organically here just by posting, curating and engaging with the community. But for the most part of those six years that I have been here on the chain, I was trying to do this thing full time with no other sources of income. So you have to cash out something, sometimes. And unfortunately, I haven´t been lucky with the timing at all. Always have to sell Hive when the price is low, even these days. Just sold 3k Hive today actually. It hurts. It always hurts but that´s the price I have to pay for the decision to go fulltime Hiving back in 2017... So no, with all these "forced withdrawals", I will not get there anytime soon :/

if I didn´t withdraw anything, I would already be way over 100k Hive earned organically here just by posting, curating and engaging with the community

Holy smokes! That's a lot! You've been grinding my friend. Very admirable. I guess my position is a bit different as I'm nowhere near being able to do this full time. I post when I can and I do try to curate every day.

It does sting to have to sell HIVE under $0.30 man, sorry for that.

You are definitely in a better position than me as far as reaching some impressive HP milestones is concerned and I wish you the best of luck on your epic journey towards becoming a Hive whale :) Have a nice day my friend, greetings from Prague!