Can Blockchain Technology Be Stopped By Centralized Powers? It won't be that Easy

in LeoFinance11 months ago


The established economy giants of the worlds are fighting back against cryptocurrency. Every year, every month, every week, one might notice articles about central banks or governments going over some kind of ruling to either regulate or in some cases completely ban cryptocurrencies or related services and platforms. The Binance debacle in the US is a recent example of this.

The main reason for this is simple in my opinion. Centralized power does not like decentralization. And so many other factors have their systems rooted in the concept of centralized power, so it makes sense that all these influences are rallying to at least regulate anything that opposes the status quo.

The matter of fact is that blockchain can be limited by rules, in the sense that if you want to go back and forth between crypto and fiat, buying and selling, you might have legal problems. But the technology itself is a bit harder to stop, unless it's banned altogether, and also heavily monitored on the internet.

Either that, or someone would have to "unplug" the internet as a whole.


That being said, if your main goal in cryptocurrency is to just make money, you should definitely be mindful of things like this happening around us. A good way to do this is to follow news website that focus on crypto related content, or to subscribe to newsletters, or to just browse some articles here on Hive. :)

How are you preparing for changes in the world?

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