Rational Finances or Emotional Money Grabs | Which do you Subscribe To?

in LeoFinancelast year


If you're about my age or older, let's say thirty and above, you've probably been spoon-fed the idea that you need to work hard, climb your way up the social ladder and earn as much money as possible, most likely to support a family with at least 2 children or something. That's the ultimate mainstream goal, which is also popularized by mainstream media. The media and the people re-enforcing the idea become a sort of exponential feedback loop, re-enforcing the idea even further.

But even though that is the mainstream way of doing things, it's far removed from the current state of how people are living their lives. It seems some people are moving away from traditional ideas, forging their own way in the process. Sometimes this is because they have no other choice, for example, you can't really buy a house if housing is far from affordable in some places. But sometimes it's also because people refuse to live by what society tells them to do, because it just doesn't align with their goals in life.

Working hard and earning money has become an end to a mean for many, instead of being the goal itself. Whether this is good or bad, remains to be seen, but it does say something about the perception in todays world. How people view money. The fact that income is worth less nowadays probably also plays a role.

The media also plays a role, even now. Guiding the majority of people towards what they "want" and what they "need". Big houses, fancy cars, brand name clothes, and so on. This is the reality of the world we live in.


Those who see money more as a tool, and less as the main goal, tend to be more risk-driven then others. Maybe because they are not as emotionally attached to cold hard cash, but instead see it for the tool that it is. Ironically enough, it's these people that usually make more money than those more obsessed by it. Because of the lack of emotions, these people tend to make more rational choices, or at least more calculated, since you can't really call all high risk decisions rational.

In my opinion, this is how we should strive to operate financially, with less emotion, and more rational. Especially if we are here, in the crypto space, where this is even more of a requirement to succeed, due to the high volatility. But you probably already knew that.

Whatever we choose to do, we can always rely on statistics and data, instead of emotions. And those that understand this, will certainly prosper.

What do you think?

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