The Consumerist Within Us All

in LeoFinancelast year


Whoever said making a budget and sticking to it is easy, is very delusional, in the most literal sense. I was once probably just as delusional. When you are clear of any kind of advertisement in the system, it is easy, honestly. But once every sense in your body is being triggered by whatever the media decides to throw at your brain, it becomes quite difficult to stay on your financial track. Even the strongest willed person can experience stress when trying to withstand the psychological warfare aimed at their consumer brain.

This is exactly what I'm experiencing nowadays. I usually am able to stick to all of my budgets, but I often catch my thoughts wandering to some kind of unnecessary purchase. It's something you do almost subconsciously, because we are also influenced on that same level, in our subconscious mind .


We find ourselves in the position of the wise monks above, and it is at that crossroad that we decide who we are. There's nothing wrong with giving in every now and then. All that's important in my opinion is that we are aware of the system and what it all means.

How often are you a slave to consumerism?

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How often are you a slave to consumerism?

I don't even want to think about that 🙈

But once every sense in your body is being triggered by whatever the media decides to throw at your brain, it becomes quite difficult to stay on your financial track.

Especially when I see those supposed discount advertisements. It's like endorphins kicking in when I can purchase something at a "lower" price 😅.