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RE: How To Increase You Results On Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Engagement is the time honored way. I'm not sure making a lot of top-level posts is even a good idea as a beginner. Sure, making a few is a good idea for your new followers not to see an empty blog, but it is smartest to first drop a lot of high-quality comments.


If you find a good community like Hive open mic and STEM it helps too. If you add that to good engagement then I think you'll be good too

That is true. Curators look at what is posted to communities including posts from authors without much following.


It cant hurt for a beginner but one should look to other areas. Commenting and now, LeoThreads is a great place to start.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Can't agree anymore...posting top-quality posts by spending so much time for a beginner, and to even starting it from scratch is a non-starter, to be honest.

It's not the post that wins u attention here, Ur cumulative daily moving of your engagement wins u in Hive. Of course, it takes time to adapt to this environment and remain effective. But what is mentioned in this article, although I respect the inputs, it's still less effective. The only effective way is consistent engagement.

We've always preached that!

A few good posts are important, but for beginners and newbies??? Commenting, COMMENTING, COMMENTING! is so IMPORTANT. Engage. Comment, and then respond, after someone comments back. And not just, "Nice post" but really comment.