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RE: Making a stand for CASH!

in LeoFinance11 months ago

The more choices the better so I am all for cash transactions. They aren’t THAT anonymous though. Every time money passes through a bank it is tracked. Japan has a cool system of letting you pay for almost anything with your subway pass. Many people have their identity tied to their pass but it’s not required. So they may be able to track my purchases but my purchases are not tied to my identity (I’m guessing with some resources they might be able to trace me through metadata but I could easily use the card only certain places and for certain things if I want). It’s actually a bit like using bitcoin or other crypto but it’s fiat money


Yes, that is definitely true... it isn't completely anonymous, but at least there needs to be a bit more work done to track it! But more to the point, I really dislike the concept of the electronic transactions collecting middleman fees.