#saturdaysaversclub | Year 4 Week 13 | Adventures with HIVE | First SPI transfers | Saver of the Week is a Year Old

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Sunset Westgate Beach.jpg

Westgate Bay just as the sun was setting on the horizon - 22 Match 2024 about 18:10

Weekly savings round-up

So how do you withdraw HIVE?
After years of building my HIVE account, I decided to take advantage of the Capital Gains Tax Allowance in the UK and withdraw some HIVE. The Allowance is diminishing fast each year, so if I wanted to add that to my sticker book, it was time to get on with it.

It's comparatively easy in the UK to buy HIVE. I say comparatively because banks do get excited about UK citizens buying crypto and will often stop payments. It can and has taken hours on the phone with customer service and anti-fraud while they take you through questions like, "has anyone asked you to transfer this money?" (plus dire warnings about lying).

I'd also had a problem getting my bank account verified with Coinbase (Coinbase requires KYC ID, by the way) and I think I'd given up after a while. The Transak arrangements available through the HIVE wallet had meant I didn't need Coinbase, it was very easy to purchase HIVE with my now-cleared-with-the-bank-account. The challenge is: Transak is easy for getting fiat in, but not for getting it out.

After investigating several other routes, I went back to Coinbase and discovered I did now have a verified bank account and there was no problem depositing or withdrawing fiat. The fairies must have been during the intervening months with both bank and Coinbase accounts working.

The next stage was getting HIVE swapped for another currency that was listed with Coinbase. A couple of people recommended Simple Swap (also listed in the HIVE wallet) and that worked well.

I must admit my heart was in my mouth as I ran the first test (would it work, would I lose my HIVE, would I end up in a purgatory of circular phone conversations with someone in a call centre on another galaxy)?

But it all worked well and several hours later the swaps, trades and withdrawals were made. The next stage is finding a savings account for the funds until I need them. It turns out the one of the best options with a combination of high interest and instant access for the next year is with my own bank. Tomorrow's job.

Pros: easy routes (Binance appears not to be available to new customers in the UK and it may hae taken me a while to register an account), reasonably speedy. Cons: KYC and fees.

Learning: better planning and don't leave your decision until the last minute.


Savings Goals

Let's see how we're doing:

AssetGoalStartLast WeekTodayProgress
Hive Power115,000100,400103,900100,85288%

2024 Savings Goals


  • EDSD - Swapped these back to HBD - a three day process and then your HBD is liquid to do as you please. I'll be starting again from next week with a recurring transfer for 5 HBD. (More about side-hustles).

EDS Income Token | Fixed and Variable Savings Plans
EDS Dollar (EDSD) Release Post

  • Blogging - I think I could improve on this - stop over-thinking and get some posts out! After withdrawing some HIVE, it's only been a 2% HP reduction, so happy with that. Working out the compounding effects of regular HBD savings, it came so close to 10,000, I decided to stretch myself with some more posting. Threading hasn't gone badly either, picking up a few votes from there, too, which is nice, and I've earned a few LEO. LEO is my current wild card.

  • Saturday Savers Club - 2024 Launch and FAQs. We hit fifty registered savers at the beginning of April - that is fabulous! The Savers of the Week post, organised by @hoosie reaches it's first anniversary today with a little giveaway and @hoosie's plan to aim for an evergreen post of savings tips put together by the community - win, win, win! Anyone can join at any time by commenting with their goals on the weekly post on the @eddie-earner account (also follow @eddie-earner for news about EDS). Our first subscription savings plan is on point too, Our first payout is next week!

  • HSBI - HIVE basic income - I'm growing these through sponsoring HPUD and other challenge posts over on Saturday Savers Club. It'll have a nice boost this week.


What's New

After the excitement of last week and the clocks going forward (always puts me out, although I love the later sunset), it was quiet this week. I took a week off the London gig, which was great, I needed a bit of time to recalibrate. I have a couple of meetings over the next couple of weeks which should help with sharing work out more so that it's manageable in eighteen hours a week. There's a big meeting coming up in May that I need to prepare for, and the workshop about the Saturday Savers Club for the Conference in the summer.

My other little job, the one that pays for my HBD savings, is going along well. I'm gradually taking on things and it's a nice low pressure environment. I've nearly got control of the respective bookings diaries, I've been working on rationalising the Conditions of Hire, next is the database of regular hirers and setting up a key holder register.

I'd like to get an electric bike this summer. With the extra work, there's not so much time for activity, and a bike would help integrate with things I'm doing already, rather than sitting in the car. The journey to work from here is uphill there and downhill back and about three miles each way. I'd love to get to the bay more, too, which is four or five miles each way.

Mmm, lots to think about!

Have a good week, everyone!


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Page dividers courtesy of @barge | Saturday Savers banner by @raj808

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I'm glad your transactions went well! I tried Binance years ago but I haven't since the Justin-trying-to-hostile-takeover-Steem incident, since they did as he asked and should have known better. So I don't trust them, lol. I use Coinbase too.
I would love an ebike too. Maybe someday!

Dear @shanibeer, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @phoenixwren.

I started with HP don't want to add HBD in Savings yet,, Can I Add Inleo?
And Am I allowed to add another token of my wish?

Hey nabbas, if you're talking about Saturday Savers, you can save any tokens (or fiat) you want. Check out other people's posts and you'll see lots of people doing second layer tokens as part of their goals.
But if you mean the savings account in your Hive wallet where you get 20% interest, no, that's only for HBD.

Perfect, I'm clearly got the rules of #saturdaysavers club, thanks again 🍀🌿🍀

I've only been buying $HIVE via Transak lately. At some point I may cash out, but not sure how I will do that right now. I want to see the price go up a fair bit before I do.

Yes, I'm saving most of mine for when the price goes up. It's swings and roundabouts, sometimes. But you've used some through Wirex, I think?

I still have the Wirex card, but haven't used it in ages. I ought to check if it still works.

The two exchanges I used to use Bittrex and Binance have also stopped tracking so I am still using Binance and have no problems.

That's good to hear.

I’ve never used Coinbase for my withdrawal before
I’d give it a try. I’ve always used Binance though and I feel it is cool to an extent

Sounds like you're sorted!

I'm always interested to see how other users convert their cryptos to fiat.
I closed my coinbase account a long time ago and haven't created one on Binance yet, but that's planned for later.
The only crypto to fiat attempt I've tried for a few dozen euros was through Uphold (the wallet linked to BAT rewards in the Brave browser) it was a bit complicated to set up for the first time, but it works, the main problem coming from the fees.

@shanibeer! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ servelle. (5/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

I'm always interested to see how other users convert their cryptos to fiat.

Yes, me too. I asked others how they did it, and got three different routes, but simple swap featured in all of them. I thought there was quite a lot of slippage in the process, I'm not skilled enough yet to watch where tyhatis happening and do it differently. I guess the best way would be to frequent deposit and withdraw small amounts.

I'm guessing that regulation is having an effect and, ironically, making things more uncertain and volatile in the transition stage. Coinbase seems to be fairly stable as a route, though, even if fairly expensive.