#saturdaysaversclub | Year 4 Week 15 | Wrekt! Or: Every cloud has a silver lining.

in LeoFinance2 months ago (edited)


Pegwell Bay at lowtide with a little group of beachcombers. Monday 8 April 2024 at 18:07 BST

Weekly savings round-up

HIVE's wrekt or is it?
Well, got up this morning and the prices were down. Time to buy some HIVE, I thought, I hadn't been expecting this and had a look to see what loose change I had. Then I thought:

Wait a minute, I was a bit disappointed last week that the price had dropped by the time I came to withdraw to fiat and I didn't quite get my full Capital Gains Tax Allowance.

That's extra money in the kitty, now. I could spend some of that on more HIVE, recover the HIVE I cashed out and put the rest into savings until the price goes up a bit. Then pull it out and claim the original investment costs (the one I've just taken from the CGA) against it. Well, I'm as pleased as a dog with two tails at thinking that up.

So that's what I did. Also threw in what I'd lost from inflation and curation over 14 days, so now I should be pretty much where I was. Plus I have a kitty for price increases.

I've had a few problems with @keychain, which was producing lots of gobbledegook in the username field when I wanted to send tokens. I didn't understand the advice that I received from keychain, so I asked the IT folks at work. I'd had it on FireFox, they suggested uninstalling from FireFox and installing on Chrome, which I did and which works.

It's a pain in the arse, though: everything is set up on Firefox but the authorisation is on Chrome and everything has got be re-entered. Sigh.

So LEO is going a bit bonkers, then, 4,500+ sold in the last 24 hours and hovering around .38 HIVE. Good thing I topped up to 15,000 LP when I did. Still haven't seen anything about LeoAds payouts for March. Anyone would think they were busy 😁.

leoads1 March 202417.72 LEO


Savings Goals

Let's see how we're doing:

AssetGoalStartLast WeekTodayProgress
Hive Power115,000100,400100,852104,26291%

2024 Savings Goals


  • EDSD - Swapped these back to HBD - a three day process and then your HBD is liquid to do as you please. I'm back to 15 EDSD already, financed through a side hustle. (More about side-hustles).

EDS Income Token | Fixed and Variable Savings Plans
EDS Dollar (EDSD) Release Post

  • Blogging - Haha! Well, work put paid to my plans for extra blogging. Yesterday, I was in bed by 6pm, and asleep by 7pm. That's the kind of week it's been. Never mind, there's a new week starting. HBD looks better because the interest paid out this week.

  • Saturday Savers Club - 2024 Launch and FAQs. Fifty registered savers and counting! Lovely post here about one person's experience with Saturday Savers Club Anyone can join at any time by commenting with their goals on the weekly post on the @eddie-earner account (also follow @eddie-earner for news about EDS). Our first subscription savings plan is on point too, the first payout was last week!

  • HSBI - HIVE basic income - I'm growing these through sponsoring HPUD and other challenge posts over on Saturday Savers Club. It'll have a nice boost this week.


What's New

It was a very busy week this week, with a very good outcome. This morning I was out at the crack of yawn to meet my niece, and my grand-nephew, who I was meeting for the first time (he's seventeen next week)! Really lovely to spend time with them, and she's a great organiser, so I shall be seeing her brothers soon.

My little side hustle went well, we've started to agree some principles for the business plan. I had a sit-down meeting with the Treasurer and sorted out some stuff, too, like how we're going liaise over credit control.

The Treasurer doesn't think we will get enough additional bookings a year to cover the cost of my role. It would be 200 extra bookings across the two buildings (5 a week). Almost feels like a challenge, I might open a book!

Meanwhile, over in my main hustle, I agreed a new contract, short-term and nice compensation (very welcome). We're on our way to finalising the pre-grant agreement work for the grant that was agreed a week or two ago. My plan is that everything will be done and dusted by the end of April. It may take the funder a weeks to sort things out, but funding should start flowing by the beginning of June.

Knitting is going okay, I've been inspired to get started again, thanks to @gillianpearce and I've met up again with the Monday knitting group again. I bumped into my French group in the pub yesterday, classes will start again in the Autumn, which will be great, plus I hope there will be some trips to France and the French film club in Sandwich.

So there we are.

Have a good week, everyone!


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Page dividers courtesy of @barge | Saturday Savers banner by @raj808

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This morning I was out at the crack of yawn to meet my niece

Crack of Yawn - Gonna have to use that expression in the future

I think I liberated it from somewhere long ago 🙂

I'm always impressed and respect your saving efforts! Great job @shanibeer 👏 I think about setting my HP goal :)

I'm always impressed with your blogging 🙂

All coins got hit yesterday. I don't know why, but I'll buy more $HIVE soon. Maybe The Halving will have some impact.


Hive will bump along until late 2025 and then we'll see three to six months of higher prices, maybe hitting 2 USD here and there and then back down to a new bumping along price of 0.5-0.6 USD for the following three years. I'll be quite happy with that.

How can we be sure of anything with crypto? The markets change on whims. We need real growth on Hive. Then it will have more value.

We can't, so my forecast is as good as anyone's.

Do paid users on Inleo still get paid for the Leo ads? A lot of people have not been talking about it

Yes, but in premium

Have you got a link to a payout post with a list of who received LEO?

No I didn't, but TaskManager was talking about the benefits of premium few weeks ago :)

Okay, there are benefits to premium but LeoAds revenue should have a wider spread than that. Last month, the @leofinance account published a statement of how income had been distributed. I haven't seen one for this month yet.

Yea, I also got informations about that in last month :), not sure about this 😕

Hi @shanibeer,
Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content.
For more information visit our discord https://discord.gg/8CVx2Am

Hey @shanibeer, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .