Hivers swapping on Leodex hits 2 million dollars!

in LeoFinancelast month (edited)

The Hive Community is embracing decentralized exchange swaps via, a decentralized exchange serving the Hive Community!

  • In an amazing fashion, the Hive Community appears to be embracing decentralization, via decentralized exchange Leodex. I say this because the volume of swaps from swap.hive to Leo on Hive-Engine/Tribadex just hit 2 million dollars! This is amazing!
  • I suspect it's to trade Hive for BItcoin, Hive for USDT, Hive for USDC or Hive for other L1 blockchains like Ether.
  • I know these things:
    • To trade Hive to Bitcoin, you simply connect your keystore or xdefi wallet to and create a swap of Hive for Bitcoin.
    • I know that the UI shows you only that swap of Hive to Bitcoin, but under the Hood, that Hive is swapped for swap.Hive, then that swap.hive is swapped for Leo, then Leo swapped for Arbitrum Leo, then Arbitrum Leo for Cacao, then Cacai swapped for Bitcoin, and the Bitcoin goes to the Hive swappers Bitcoin wallet.
      -- So the whole process starts with the swap or trade of swap.hive to Leo! And that swap has 2 million in volume.
      -- I know this is the same process to swap HIve for Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, USDC or Cacao

Third Party Verification

  • But you don't have to take my word for it, and you shouldn't ... You can go to tribadex, which is not run by Inleo team and see the daily volume of swaps your self.
  • Plus you can see how much is made on fees there also.

Let's look closely at the numbers from Tribadex for swap.hive leo


  • 3.89309682 LEO/SWAP.HIVE
  • 0.2573 SWAP.HIVE/LEO
  • SWAP.HIVE: $0.31286
  • LEO: $0.08023

Total liquidity deposited $93,822.391

  • 150,071.879 SWAP.HIVE
  • 584,244.354 LEO

Total Volume of swaps: $2,649,828.021***

  • 3,581,481.104 SWAP.HIVE
  • 19,054,276.665 LEO

Fees, passive income..

  • These fees are of course earned by people who pair swap.hive and leo in the trading pool on Tribaldex via Splinterlands
  • Inleo has an exciting partnership with Splinterlands to allow Hivers to trade SPS and DEC for Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT or USDC via Leodex and it all starts with swap.hive-leo trading pair.
  • So the 2 million dollars in volume for this single trading pair suggests lots of Hivers are using it, and that's very exciting!

Please spread the news

  • If someone is going to be making money on these fees, why not you? Or your friends? The Pool interface is simple on Splinterlands and Tribaldex and the earnings clearly marked and reported.
  • If you are on Hive, this is your chance to get some of that passive decentralized finance income you have always read about.
  • Arbitrage trading. Are you a famous arbitrage trader? I am talking to you @badbitch LOL There's money to made trading on this circular circuit.
    Arbitrage trading requires skill, capitol and knowlege, but I am sure that many of you possess those skills. If someone is going to earn money...why not you?


  • As always, when you trade your money, you need to do your own research. Afterall you reap the rewards, but you reap the losses also, if something goes wrong. So look before you leap.
  • Do Your Own Research, so you understand what your doing, or just Degen into it, whatever your style is, but do it because you want to do it, and you think it's a good idea, and not because you read an article on the internet.

Swap.hive to Leo pool

Third Party Reports on Tribaldex / Hive-Engine

Leodex decentralized exchange

Learn more about the inleo community



Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha



Wow those are great earnings numbers and accessible on TRibadex with no bridegs or swaps. Great News!

I agree that they are outstanding.


I did not know I was famous for arbitrage trading, hehe.

Been waiting for a full rollout of Leodex before I use it. Already created an account, so.

Sorry that's way to British an idiom. I mean it is positive that you are humble in the face of praise.

Humility becomes you

Yes, ever since you wrote an article on arbitrage I have considered you famous arbitrage trader. :)

That must have been a very impressive article.

Yes, it was enjoyable

Those are very impressive earnings number, 20 dollars on 1000 dollars

Yes, I agree.