Solana Phone, freedom from Apple and Google tyranny and true decentralization

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Solana Phone, freedom from Apple and Google tyranny and true decentralization.


The tyranny of centralized mobile phone application processes.

  • True decentralization means the absence of a person or a group of persons being in control.
  • The current mobile phone market in both the western world and eastern world, which are dominated by two software operating systems; Apple and Android, so the mobile phone application approval process is highly centralized.
  • Each dominant mobile phone software system requires mobile phone application to earn approval from their respective committees, defined as a small group of people, and thus it’s centralized and some say censored.
  • Our own Leofinance had great difficulty getting its application LeoMobile approved.
  • It is with these words in mind, that we examine the Solana phone.

The Solana Phone called Saga

  • According to Solana the phone software is optimized for cryptocurrency applications, and the microprocessor is optimized for crypto wallet security.

What makes Solana Phone Special?


  • Solana has a decided to build a wallet which takes advantage of special hidden places on your phones main microchip, which cannot be accessed by even the phones software operating system. This makes it near impossible to access data stored there.
  • This place currently hides information that multiple countries crime investigation agencies can’t hack without dedicated teams.
  • Thus is where Solana plans to keep your seed phrase, and private keys.
  • So this would be the most secure mobile to date for crypto.

Why? first the world is mobile.

  • But why? You ask… because the world is mobile.
  • Contrary to popular belief, the world is dominated numerically by people accessing the internet via their mobile phones, and thus accessing their crypto with mobile phones, and less often tablets.
  • Even in countries where desktop access is common, the 24 hour a day nature of cryptocurrency makes mobile access important. So many people with desktop computers also access their crypto via mobile devices.

Why? Second they want a decentralized path to application approval.

  • In a recent interview the Solana developer in charge of the product said they had no real intention of competing for a market share of the mobile phone market.
  • They want to decentralize the process of developing applications for mobile devices, specifically cryptocurrency applications.
  • Their goal is to create a market for decentralized mobile phone crypto applications, by making the first one.
  • They feel that once they have around 50,000 people using their phones, it will constitute a large enough market for software developers to produce software for this market, and then many new mobile applications will be developed.
  • So in short, Solana isn’t trying to compete with Apple and Android, they just want to create an alternative decentralized mobile cryptocurrency application market.

Power to the people

  • In other words they want to decentralize another highly centralized process.
  • And isn’t that why we are all here?

Last words


  • Solana, Cardano, XRP Ripple and others are sometimes criticized for being to centralized by members of various cryptocurrency communities.
  • But sometimes one projects product or issue is really of benefit or concern to all of cryptocurrency community. And in this example one projects product may not directly be good for our personally chosen project, but it’s good for cryptocurrency in general.
  • I believe we should come together in those instances when something which benefits us all.
  • What do you think?

@shortsegments :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'm still going to be skeptical as to how decentralized and privacy focused this really is but its still a great step in the right direction. I've been saying it for a long time crypto is the final line we have to keep and restore the freedoms we once had.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your concern about centralization is understandable.
I also agree we are the last defense and the current available mechanism to retake our privacy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Definitely a very interesting project! Really excited if it can reach enough people and convince them to switch from iPhone to „SOLphone“! 😋

Me too.
I was not impressed when I first heard about it, but once I looked into it, I decided to get one when I figure out how to use it on Polygon and Binance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah cool! Is there any details on the price yet?

Average for an American Iphone I guess

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Solana currently seems to me to be a fairly unstable blockchain. It's really interesting this mobile idea. Thank you for sharing this information with us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is true. They have literally stopped their chain more then once.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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