
Damn Dude

This is a 1200 word post packed with information, which refers to a superstars post, then delivers a ton of extra information.
Amazing effort, and interesting change in style.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving feedback.

I want so bad to be part of these projects and please take this comment as constructive criticism. This is the most complicated, confusing and time wasting project I have ever tried to research. I have tried 3 or 4 times to become a supporting, valuable member of the LEO community.

  • Hours and hours of confusing video's across multiple platforms

  • multiple coins across multiple chains

  • protocols stacked on top of protocols stacked on top of protocols

    I am honestly trying my best its so frustrating

Hello @arcadeph
I can certainly understand how the complexity of cryptocurrency, Hive, and HIve Engine can be frustrating to anyone who first starts learning about the community.
This is cryptocurrency, and it is complicated.
We are early, so our effort to understand this before it becomes covered by user interfaces which simplify it will financially reward us.
I would strongly suggest you examine this like you peel an onion.
Start with the top layer, learn and understand that first, then proceed to the other layers at your own pace.
If you see an article about something complex, bookmark it for later exploration.
The first layer of Hive and Leo are the social media layer.
You read posts / articles, upvote those you like, comment on those you have an interest in and /or have questions about.
Do this repeatedly to generate / earn income from your upvotes and the upvote of comments you make, which may be upvoted by the author or other readers who like your comment.
Learn how to navigate to your wallet.
Study the savings account and the staking function of the wallet with a 20% APR.
Learn how to navigate to the internal markets Hive-Engine and Tribaldex to trade your tokens for Hive or HBD.
There swap Leo, SPS or other tokens for HIve if you wish and stake your HIve or Leo.
I will post a article link to explain this further.

This post has been supported by @Splinterboost with a 12% upvote! Delagate HP to Splinterboost to Earn Daily HIVE rewards for supporting the @Splinterlands community!

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Thank you for curating my post. I appreciate it.