Finally…. HURRAY!!!

in LeoFinance27 days ago

Afternoon everyone…

As most of you know, I’ve been trying to build a detached three car garage on my property to use as a shop. I know that I’ve touched about several of the issues that kept arising throughout this process.

I started this venture on April 3, 2022. So two years and nineteen days later. I finally have an approved permit to start the construction of the building.

Between the architect, three surveys required, engineers, lawyers and state fees to get to this point. I have spent just under forty seven thousand dollars in the two years leading up to this approval. Everyone kept telling me to give up. I kept telling them it would be like driving down the street throwing forty thousand dollars away.

That’s not happening!!!

I met with my contractors this morning. The site work and digging will start Monday morning. I am extremely excited to get this started and even more excited to have a real wood shop again. It’s been nearly a decade since I’ve had a true wood shop.

Here is the approved permit…



At long last... congratulations!!!
Now the fun begins!

@silverd510! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @silversaver888. (2/20)

It’s been quite a journey

Yes, I know! I said a little prayer for you... thrice!!!

That is awesome! Congrats. Now make all that money in your new shop so you can take your work on the road for special projects in the PNW! 😄

There is a PNW surcharge, for being a loser PNWer….. they aren’t ready for my work out there either….

Fucking finally and work starts Monday that's great! How long do they estimate until it's done?

They said six to eight weeks if there’s not inspection delays. My guess is 8-10.

Sounds good, can't believe it's actually happening. It's going to be awesome!

You must be killin' it out here!
@summertooth just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @silverd510.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Frig. Finally! Happy for you bro! Bet that's such a relief.

Yeah I know. Thanks brother. Not yet, but it will be soon

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Wow, congrats, but that sounds horrible! My neighbor just threw an addition onto his house and I swear he hardly had to do anything. Our township is pretty lenient compared to the last one we lived in. They do whatever they can to collect more money from you though. It's ridiculous. I bet it's going to be awesome. I used to really enjoy hanging out in my friends dads shop. He is working on building his own now.

It’s all because of the 2011 hurricane we had. The state got crazy and expanded the flood plane by miles. Then they amended it in 2018 but the town still showed my property in it. First I had to get state verification that I wasn’t in a flood plane. Then because it’s on the border of one, the town required state approval for the size building that I wanted. It was costly but I wasn’t giving in. I had spent way to much money and I don’t accept failure in anything that I do.

That makes sense, but it is still ridiculous. I remember when I replaced my shed at my old house I had to get a permit and pay all kinds of fees. It was a blatant cash grab.

There’s a lot of that as well. The head of the building department has been giving me a hard time for decades now. I wish he’d freaking retire.

Two whole years! Man government sucks! But happy it’s finally time to break ground friend! That’s awesome!

Yep. I spent the first six months trying to go straight through the town for approval. After jumping through hoops for them, they drop the bomb that the state had to approve it. I’m really excited about it. Can’t wait.

Maybe you find something while digging for the foundation.

Could you not have rented something existing closeby?

I doubt it but who knows. It’s difficult to find a commercial place that landlords will allow what I do. Plus it’s really costly. I looked roughly five years ago. The rents were between $3,500-$4,500 a month to get nothing in return for that money. Yes it was more than I initially thought and planned for. But the business is paying it and it’s adding value to my property.

Congrats! That's a lot of money oof.. Time to !PIMP it and celebrate!

You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 20.000 PIMP, @silverd510.
You earned 20.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 4/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Thanks for the !pimp. It is, but it will be totally worth it once it’s done.

You must be killin' it out here!
@silverd510 just slapped you with 10.000 PIMP, @thisismylife.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Bureaucracy gone amok $$$.
Good, I figure that your the kind of person that can tough this out and see it through. As a professional Tradesman, I'd see you having a shop as your own to be a source of pride and accomplishment. Spending many happy hours doing what you have always enjoyed doing best.

My neighbor is a gutter install contractor and he says that to build a new house to sell at $1.4M CAD that the cost of Engineering, permits and inspections can total as high as $200k CAD. And that is for a new home in my hood.

The $8 Billion promised by our woke PM to build a million new homes over the next 10 years won't even cover the bureaucracy.

Good old New Jersey permit process, not exactly speedy! That shouldn't have taken two years... Only thing they missed was archeologic assessment to make sure there aren't native American burials there...


Oh Many many congratulations dear.