Hive a Database of Nothing, Let's fix it

in LeoFinance7 months ago

So many of you know. I have been on chain for a while and writing some bots for playing games.

I then moved onto acquired Holybread as they rugpulled and left the chain. I ran this for many many months trying to improve the code base.

It was awful. Players could not open a chest if they did not have enough RC on their account. So if you onboarded a new player they could play after a short period of time.

We went through the game and removed all custom_json writes to chain other then creating a hero or marketplace transcations.

All marketplace transactions were written to the main chain #HIVE not the side-chain HE. all transactions were settled in Hive as the currency.

Then we added an upvote bot that if you were active on Hive you would receive upvotes based on your position on the Holybread leaderboard.

Around this time I raised issues of "what a blockchain game means?" "what should be on chain" basically I was ignored.

Shortly later SPL decided to head the advice and took a lot of chain as it was slowing things down and eating up RC.

I moved on. We started working on the #thunkgaria code base as an improved Holybread 2.0 and we started to look at what we were actually writing to chain. For items we were just recording a Hexadecimal string. Other games still do this. Here is an example from Terracore.

What does this even do? I mean it is fine for the game. but let's say the game shuts down the server just like we did with Holybread & Web based Thunkgaria?

You have a DB of #NOTHING.

So with our new marketplace coming online and our 2D & 3D games with #universal items built on Hive. We are going to make sure any custom_json written to chain is Human readable and has #value even if we go away.

So true #value needs to come to chain so we are no longer a chain of nothing.

Next post I am going to chat about what #v4v value for value gaming will look like in the future and how Hive will play a leading role in it.

Dont get me started on my old steem posts when NFT's came out about what has become LAND on SPL. No respect.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It's really cool you want to make the codes readable.

that is the goal.
i never liked how we did it with Holybread.

once we have the server finished we will do a post of what everything looks like and what we consider value for the player.

then it will be up to people to decide if they agree with us or not.

thanks for stopping by.

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interesting indeed! I was curious about that holybread stuff, now some questions answered! Good on you sir, keep it up !PIMP

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 7 months ago  Reveal Comment

thanks for stopping by.