Lead by example

in LeoFinance26 days ago

Time to sign up for leo premium

I wonder if they ever thought of doing 120 hbd for a year, or a promotion of 100 hbd for the year… would make up for all the people who forget to sign up monthly

If you are posting here everyday or a few times a week anyways then there is no reason to not give 10 hbd

The money you are giving is going towards buying LEO off the market and pairing it in LP’s

But also, the extra eyeballs and votes you get with using inleo and their premium service you can more than make up for that 10 hbd

Same concept as on twitter, if you are posting a lot there anyways might as well sign up for their premium and try to make more than you put in.

It’s pretty easy here, you just click a few buttons or you can do it manually.

The difference is this is a blockchain based service, things might not be as “smooth” as a “regular” website

For example, I paid my 10 hbd a couple of minutes ago, but when I click “Premium” instead of seeing a countdown of when my subscription expires, I get the same page I get if I hadn’t of sign up.

Don’t forget, just because leo and hive have been here for years doesn’t mean everything is perfect.

But good humans behind these projects breath and sweat to make this wheels keep turning. Supporting them is in your own best interest as well :)

Posted Using InLeo Alpha