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RE: Listening To The Wrong People On Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago

A lot of projects is Being built in Hive so as a lot of opportunities it has to offer. Hive is no more just a blogging system but something more and even still involving.

When we limit our mind to Hive being just a blogging system to earn through only author and curation rewards, we miss out on what more it has to offers. I like the fact that you mentioned the HBD Savings as an example.

Right now! I am willingly to explore the possibilities and experience Hive has to offer and not to miss out on the opportunities it brings.


The different aspects provide potential for each of us. Take Splinterlands and the upcoming Alpha release of Ragarok. Both of those provide ways to enrich people. Neither has anything to do with blogging or the reward pool. Yet they are gaming centers that are also financial in nature. They can become their own economies.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yet they are gaming centers that are also financial in nature. They can become their own economies.

This is a very good example here that you have stated. And someone can choose to build in these centres as well. I see it clearly!