Claim a Free HSBI - First Batch [paid out to 10 readers]

in LeoFinance29 days ago (edited)

Greetings, everyone!

As of this post, a week ago, I made a new investment in HIVE, and some of it is reserved for HSBI. I'm sharing now 10 HSBI - first come, first served. You only need to tell us in the comments section the name of the longest river in your country.



We have Kallang river. It is kind of like water source that is from the Peirce to Nicoll lane in Singapore. I live far away from this place though we tend to visit during vacation times or when we have some summer weekend holidays.

The longest river in the US is the Missouri River

River Niger!

The longest river in my country is River Niger. I’m from Nigeria

The longest river in Bulgaria is Danube, it also sets the border with Romania, for the most of its length ;)
Have a great weekend and thank you!

The longest river in Portugal is Tejo.

Damn just too late I guess in terms of the first 10.
Although, The 'Maas / Meuse' is the longest one in Belgium. :)

Yup... a bit too late. All HSBI were exhausted, but a new batch will come in the next days. Keep close!

Tough one, for Germany, where I live is the Rhine, but as a whole the Danube, which is also the longest river in Romania, where I'm from.

Donau is the longest here in Germany afaik.

The name of the longest river in Mexico is the Río Bravo (also known as the Rio Grande in the United States). This river forms a large part of the border between Mexico and the United States.

Enisey river the most longest in my country