How to keep community engagement after mint- Breads X spaces recap

in LeoFinance6 months ago

Good day Hiveans ✨ I hope y'all all are doing very great ?? I know it's been a while I had made any posts here, have been really busy with academic activities. I used the most little of every time I have to check what's happening on Zealy.

Although it's been like 3days I listened to the recording of this x space which took place like Weeks ago, and I jotted down some points but have not really had time to make this post due to busy schedules. But since we still have 2weeks before the end of Zealy campaign, I guess I'll just push on and give it a try.
(image gotten from breads profile picture on X)

I must say that one of the things I love most about the X spaces is the wealth of knowledge we gain from each quest,I've learned alot from the spaces I must confess, and apart from the fact that it's associated with the Zealy campaign, it exposes is to things we need to know about cryptocurrencies and making wise decision on which project to invest in, also how one can sustain a community which is key to the sustainability of it's project.

Here's a quick recap of the major things discussed in one of the X spaces with breads.

The show started with some giveaways of $50 from INLEO and 2 NFT's from the guy who lost a $100k 😄, funny name.

Different speakers gave their opinion which were really wonderful lines of thought as to how the survival of a project can be sustained via community engagement both between the founders the team and the community members, Also the importance of a project having a use case or a value base can not be overemphasized.

Whilst many projects are incentivised, some speakers emphasized that the sole aim of a project shouldn't just be to for the sake of those incentives because definitely when those incentives are no longer there, the community members who came initially because of that will find it hard to stick around.

In most projects, you find an initial period of hype and then things go slow and can go downhill. While most project don't survive this first cycle, the one that do had very important steps that the founders or team members really worked hard on to keep the community going.

These are the major areas covered:

Being Transparent from the beginning
  The founders/creators need to be open to discussing and receiving questions all the time from the community. That way creates some confidence that even if there are problems in hitting the deadlines, at least people are allowed to suggest or listen to how the problems are being solved to deliver the final product of the project.

Expectations should be workable and realistic
  Overselling and creating unrealistic goals for a project will create that initial pump when the initial mint is done and an incredible fall in the value of your product. A realistic expectation for your product will allow you to avoid hypes that are only speculation-based. These unrealistic expectations are created by the founder/creator, so the founder/creator needs to convince himself and the community about the real expectations of the project.

Be the example you want to see in others. Active creator/founder in the communication channels
  The founder/creator needs to be online regularly to keep in touch with the community, even if it is just to say good morning. If the founder/creator isn't active, the community won't be as well.

Building a community that lives together.
Creating events in the communication channels like discord, spaces, etc. Even if they aren't crypto-related like movie nights. But also creating trivia events and giveaways that are interesting to keep the community always talking. In addition, a holders call was mentioned when all holders are invited to speak whatever they want or ask questions.

Engagement and compensation
Some people argue that giving money or real assets to compensate for engagement can create false bonds between the community and the project. So some of them recommended compensating with an off-chain token that could be used to tip people inside the community and be used to trade for internal merchandise/prizes. It cited a project called Von Chain Monkeys that have a banana token that can be traded by merchandise inside the project.

The role that having an active and thriving community plays in the success of any project cannot be overemphasized, the above discussions and examples all play an important role and are geared towards that.
You can listen to the recordings here..

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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