Impact of social media in the growth of web3 communities. Possibilities of a decentralized community.

in LeoFinance6 months ago

Good day to y'all Hiveans ✨ I hope your day is going well just as mine.
It's been a while I made a post on our series of money talks with Stevewealth, that's because I've been quite busy doing a bit of digging in so we could come back stronger and better.

One of the things I came to understand lately was the fact that money follows mastery. And how much money you make in any endeavour to a very large extent depends on how knowledgeable you are in that area or field you've ventured into.
So it's important not to just be on the surface, but as much as it's doable try to arm yourself with enough knowledge in your chosen area and be sure to make more money than you would have done without first acquiring those useful knowledge.



Web3 refers to a vision of a more decentralized and user-centric internet. It builds on the principles of blockchain and decentralized technologies to create a new generation of the web where users have greater control over their data and interactions. Web3 envisions a shift from centralized models of the current web (Web 2.0) to decentralized protocols and platforms, allowing for increased privacy, security, and user ownership of data. Blockchain and decentralized technologies like smart contracts play a significant role in realizing the goals of Web3.

The Web3 community is a diverse group of individuals and organizations actively involved in advancing the principles and technologies associated with Web3. Members of this community typically share an interest in promoting a more decentralized, user-centric internet. They engage in discussions, collaborations, and projects related to blockchain, cryptocurrencies, decentralized applications (DApps), smart contracts, and other technologies that contribute to the Web3 vision. The community includes developers, entrepreneurs, researchers, and enthusiasts working to shape the future of the internet through decentralized and blockchain-based innovations.

One of the most important things about web3 is the interaction between education and finance. First the finance is what draws many people into the projects, but then they get educated in the process. And I bet that anyone who comes to see the possibilities that exist the project will forever stick around.


Social media platforms like X(formally Twitter), Instagram etc, serve as medium of educating oneself of the possibilities that exist in Web3. One important thing to note about using the social media is that instead of just following and listening to traditional news platforms and western medias for update on advancements in the crypto world, one can interact with other enthusiasts, traders, software developers, exchanges and protocols to be able to understand the concept of decentralization and all that comes with it.

The point here is that social media afford people the opportunity to give their own feedback on the project, unlike before when people just use Google or other search engines, social media allows for two way communication so future web3 enthusiasts can easily transition with enough guidance from other enthusiasts.


The fact still remains that the evolution of web3 cannot happen as quick as it should without substantial contribution from web2. Of course the potential people we're all hoping would join the web3 platforms are all currently either in web2 or not on the web at all, so social media is the best way we can reach out to them easily.
Twitter for example has been playing a major role for holding of spaces, and gathering traditional communities that support Web3.

Alot of us are always simply fixed to those web2 platforms so what we need here is more outreaches. And infact most of our web3 forecasters and enthusiasts hold several hangouts using Twitter spaces.

Another important fact is that social media gives us the opportunity to reach out to people one on one. Given the number scams present these days in the name of a project, alot of people are skeptical about engaging or even daring to invest into them. While this is necessary to avoid unforseen losses, the downside of this is that even very true and sincere projects that offer value don't get the much needed attention while some wonderful projects even get neglected. With web2 outreaches, I think deeper information is passed to people from a platform where they have trusted, and where they spend the majority of their time.


Currently, trends in web3 is evolving so fast. we've seen project cycles run so fast that just within a year a lot has come and gone already.
While many persons argue that the world isn't ready for web3 yet, it might be the opposite, or maybe Web3 isn't yet ready for the world.
The traditional Media and web2 is our best shot if we must get the much needed massive adoption.
It'll sure take a while a while but with consistent outreaches and integrating what seem like a web2 feature e.g threads(INLEO) we're sure that people will come and find things that are really fascinating and sure they will stick around.
Decentralized communities are already there and thriving, but we still need the social media communities to be able to ensure our penetration and perpetuation.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Excellent post. I like that you tell the differences between Web2 and Web3. Usually, people just dive into the benefits of Web3 and don't explain how it's different than Web2. I think that's an important piece of the puzzle.

I've written a book about Web3 social media. If you find someone interested in the subject and they want the lowdown in a reader-friendly way, I cover all the basics plus some history of decentralization and name more than 100 different Web3 platforms including Hive. Since you're already familiar with it, I'm not trying to sell you the book, but you can point people to the book who might be interested.

Thank you for reading through, I appreciate your comment.
I'll try checking out the book and also recommend to those that might be in need of it.

Well said

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