Brawl Report and Opening Gladius Cases

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Hello Splinterlands lovers, In the last Brawl, I fought 9 battles and won 8 of them, and we ranked 2nd as the Immortal Gods 7 guild. We received 46 Crowns, 2,588 Merit and 19.558 SPS as rewards. And after Brawl, I bought three Gladius Cases and opened them.


I can say that I am very pleased with the cards I got from the Gladius cases, it was great for me to get another copy of some of the gladiators cards that I use most in battles. Also today I managed to upgrade my Relenor Cleaver card to level 2.


Relenor Cleaver is a very powerful gladiator. Although I did not use it much when I was at level 1, I am sure I will use it more after I upgrade it to level 2.

I hope you get great rewards too. Best of luck to everyone.

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