Buying and Opening 3 Adept Draws for the First Time

in LeoFinance2 months ago

It has been almost 8 days since the season started in Splinterlands and I have only been able to accumulate 1202 Glint so far. I can't earn much Glint from battles because I don't have a lot of SPS stakes. Currently, I can only earn 13 Glint from the battles I win on average, so it was not easy to accumulate 1202 Glint. I need to increase my SPS stake even more to earn more Glint, hopefully I can do that in the future. Here are the cards I received from the 3 draws.

I got 5 cards, including 2 summoners, without using any potions, which is not bad at all, but compared to previous seasons, this is very low, but it was still exciting to try my luck. I think I need to pay more attention to increasing my SPS stake.

I hope you get great rewards. Best of luck to everyone.

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