I'm in the Top 10 in a Tournament for the First Time

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Hello Splinterlands lovers, After tournament entry is free, I can enter almost all tournaments that suit me, but for now I can only enter in Novice and Bronze tournaments where Chaos cards can be used. And for the first time, I managed to get into the top 10 and I wanted to share my excitement with you.

In the Tidalring Modern Bronze Invitational tournament, I won 17 out of 21 battles, lost 3 and drew 1. And as a reward, I won a huge reward of 108 SPS, which is also the biggest reward I have ever received.

Getting awards is really great, but I think placing in the top 10 in a tournament is even more amazing. Now my excitement for tournaments has doubled and I am looking forward to the next tournament.

I hope you get great rewards too. Best of luck to everyone.

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