Gamestop, Meme Coins, and Cryptocurrency In General

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In this video I discuss how a benefit to crypto is that it is inclusive. A drawback is that it is inclusive.

There are many who enter the markets without having either the technical or, more importantly, the emotional skills to handle it. One of the challenges with the retail players taking on Wall Street with stocks like Gamestop is they are swimming with sharks.

And when it comes to shorts, they are Jaws.

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I feel like Gamestop is one of the stories where retail actually won against Wall Street. Gamestop still operating today can also be proof of that. The stock has been dormant for a while, but seeing it rise again lately makes me wonder if Wall Street didn't learn its lesson the first time.

We will see how it goes. Of course, I make the case so are all the Wall Street firms that retail supposedly "won" against.

🤩 !PGM

o.o well said llol. we are jus tthe small fish getting eaten and skinned alive :(