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RE: My journey to top 100 by HP to help spread Hive far and wide

in LeoFinance9 months ago

Well suppose I write up a post and make half of what I need to make daily to achieve that goal. If you fail to meet the criteria you can always push a few dollars into Hive you know calculate on a weekly basis...

Let's say you need to make 140 usd a week and you only made 100... Adding an extra 40 into it probably won't kill anyone 😂

It's going to be hard but I think the key to this is consistency, consistency can cut through anything.



I have a system for that. I obtain HIVE from four sources: posts, curation, open market and 3.08% from having Hive powered up.

At this moment, a large part of my Hive Power comes from purchasing HIVE on the open market. I As time goes by, more will come from posts + curation and less will come from open market purchases. I believe that HIVE will be prices at over $1 in the future and buying $3000 a month worth of HIVE will be way out of my budget.

Hive BHAG income sources2.png

Damn you got this figured out hey! You should do monthly updates.... I'm doing the last power down now and then I'm canceling it... I have to slowly get back what I sold though.... And fast because it's not going to stay in the low waters forever hey!

Yeah, gotta have a system. I do updates about every month. I call it

My 8 year jive to 200k Hive

Glad to hear you're stopping the power downs. This is the the time to load up on as much Hive as you can get. It might not be this easy in the future.