The momentum phase? Are we ready? The Terra.sinkhole Project

in LeoFinance6 months ago

The Terra.Sinkhole Project.png

This project has been pushed into motion and like a snowball rolling down a hill it keeps on rolling by itself. Momentum. It's not only reserved for physics or mechanics only it's also used in figurative speech as
the driving force or advancing strength of a development or course of events.
And so we are here at the moment in which this project is already in motion of its own and we it is possible to keep on moving without additional support.

Even though I'm Hive user since day 1, I'm still amazed by possibilities offered by Hive. Thanks to Hive I'm now thinking about keep upvoting posts or comments as long as I receive delegations (in order not to waste resources generously offered by users). I've raised about 100 HP now and almost 10$ of liquidity pool shares and it's enough to continue project's mission. The idea is to keep delegating owned HP to @leo.voter and @terraboost which provide the project with revenues. Hive is powered up and used as in previous sentence. Leo token rewards are liquefied and used in liquidity pools to stabilise scrap price.

I'm all ears to hear your opinion.

The Terra.sinkhole Project provides liquidity for screap:swap.hive pool with an aim to secure and stabilise scrap price. I think game changes helped to decrease demand for scrap token because of decay mechanic. We shall see how this all will play out but I'm calm filled with hope.

You can read about the rules of the project here


How did we do?

statisticvaluechange since last report
Hive account value$35.82+$5.3
Scrap burned00
Scrap in LP5029.942 6721,225+1691.283
Hive in LP10.989+0.577
LP value$8.36+$0.94



What's interesting, look at APR shown by BeeSwap


Why should you care?

For those playing the Terracore the answer is obvious - it may help your game. Those not playing might benefit from this Project as well, because it:

  1. Proves Hive usecase,
  2. Shows and proves (if succeed) the solution to issue of game token depreciation,
  3. Takes some Hive out of circulation - staked HP is not on the market being sold.

swap.hive:scrap pool data

30 day summary


Hive statistics


The account analytics



The current delegators


by @jocieprosza


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