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RE: Incentives For HBD to Become Desireable as a Payment Method

in LeoFinance2 months ago

One thing is that anyone who went through the collapse of UST in the last cycle has PTSD when you mention an algorithmic stablecoin.

But yeah, the community has pretty shown me what they think about e-commerce and building real world use cases. Most only want a token to turn around and dump.

The HBD 20% savings plays a big role in this too. Keeps people saving instead of spending.


One thing is that anyone who went through the collapse of UST in the last cycle has PTSD when you mention an algorithmic stablecoin.

Yeah, it's hard to convince them of the opposite when they automatically associate algorithmic stablecoins with UST and its collapse.

The HBD 20% savings plays a big role in this too. Keeps people saving instead of spending.

An interest above the inflation rate reduces the velocity of a stablecoin. This is where people's interests diverge. Many want that APR, while others want HBD to be spent more often. There isn't enough HBD to have it both ways at the same time, I believe.