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RE: Nothing on Hive is promised... and that is okay with me

in LeoFinance2 years ago

This is a very interesting story of yours,hmmmm I was introduced to hive a year ago as at then I have no job and am finacialy down as new wedded man,I keep moving around the street with my certificate no job offer then someone introduced me to hive a God sent since that time my story has changed in a way and I believe am not there yet I still have a long way to go also few month ago I discovered the Leofinance community it was also a blessing to me, meeting people of ideas and very supportive ,with you all I believe I will get to my promise Land @daltono I will appreciate your mentorship and support do have a wonderful day

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I imagine getting married did cost you quite a bit. I have avoided that and will continue because it seems to result in financial hardship for at least one of the individuals. I also believe that people can be committed to each other without marriage, but that's a long debate and I know we all have our own opinions. I'm happy for you to have found your wife, hopefully, your financial situation will turn around. I have a good feeling that you will find this promised land that you speak of, just stay with this Hive & LeoFinance community and we will all do our best to succeed together.

This comment make me feel good friend @daltono thanks for the god words I will always appreciate your support too