Splinterlands Becomes the Second-Largest Play-to-Earn Game and Third-Largest Dapp Ecosystem

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Splinterlands growth in the blockchain gaming industry and the decentralized applications (Dapps) ranking is phenomenal and pronounced. In less than 2 years of its launch, the next-generation collectible card game has grown to become the second most adopted blockchain game and the third-largest decentralized application ecosystem.


Despite the prevailing crypto winter and wrecking episodes in the cryptocurrency industry, Splinterlands continue to record ground-breaking developments, including the recent launch of its debut generative art non-fungible token (NFT) collection, Runi, on Opensea, the world's largest NFT marketplace.

These developments around the Splinterlands game, which is built on the decentralized proof of stake (dPoS) Hive blockchain, the leading web3 social media, and blogging ecosystem, have drawn more game enthusiasts to Splinterlands.

Notably, the number of unique active wallets interacting with the digital trading card game smart contract continues to surge alongside the number of transactions made to the Splinterlands smart contract. Likewise, the total amount of incoming value to the dapp's smart contract and the total value of assets in Splinterlands remains on the high side in the last 30 days.

Splinterlands is Now the Second-Largest Play-to-Earn Game

According to the ranking by DappRadar, the number one global non-fungible token (NFT) and decentralized finance (DeFi) Dapp store, Splinterlands is the second-largest blockchain game by interacting wallets and volume of incoming value. The Hive blockchain-powered digital trading card game is second to the Alien Worlds game which has TLM as its game token.

Source: DappRadar

To further show the steady growth of Splinterlands, the play-to-earn game is ranked 3rd by DappRadar on the list of top decentralized applications across all blockchain ecosystems. Alien Worlds and Pancakeswap are placed first and second by the dapp-tracking platform, DappRadar.

According to data retrieved from DappRadar, in the past 30 days, the number of unique active wallets (UAW) interacting with Splinterlands' smart contract is approximately 324,000, at the time of writing. Also, transactions made to the play-to-earn game smart contract saw a 0.83% increase as it touched 52.33 million, in the past 30 days.

As revealed by DappRadar's stats, the total amount of incoming value to Splinterlands' smart contracts equaled $27,000 in the past 30 days, showing a decline of 35.49%, at the time of writing. Interestingly, the total value of assets in the second-largest blockchain game ecosystem rose by over 35% in the past 30 days to the tune of $47.8K.

Source: DappRadar

As of November 22, about 141,000 unique active wallets interacted with the Splinterlands platform, 181 million transactions were recorded while $845 was recorded as incoming value to the game ecosystem.

Be a Part of Splinterlands Today

Splinterlands is Hive blockchain-based battle game, where users can play and complete quests to earn the game tokens and in-game NFTs. As the next generation of collectible card
games, it allows players to collect, trade, and battle with rare digital collectibles with real-world value.

Are you a gaming or NFT enthusiast? Splinterlands is designed just for you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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